July 1, 2,004
We're The Embassy Again!

Received the happy news today that we are again The Embassy Of The Kingdom Of God!  Our power was almost completely gone.  We thought it a distinct possibility that we might have to end our Work, things were that bad!  Then our marvelous visits to Jimmy Kimmel Live!  restored the power here!  People in the area started saying "Well, if Jimmy Kimmel is having them on they must be worth note!" and power started flowing to us again.  We will still have to eventually move because it is hard even with all this power, to maintain it.  We need to build a congregation here to carry on The Kingdom Of God's Work, and go to where we're supposed to be to continue our mission, advising and directing them from there. But we are in hopes that Fargo will remain the center of The Kingdom Of God's power, forever.  Things are better.  We've got a way to go, but things are better.  A lot is going to depend on the upcoming election.

July 2, 2,004
New Voices!  More Art Work!

There has been so much going on lately that we have put up yet another special edition of Voices.  This has more about our second trip to California, to be on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, and John Lennon's wedding.  There are also several new articles and stories we're sure everyone will enjoy, including an important letter from Muhammed to the new government of Iraq.  Also this will include a link to more art work about what has been happening with John Lennon recently.  You can check it out at;


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