July 30, 2,004
Who They Were

An Open Letter From Jesus Of Nazareth
To All The World

Concerning those who faithfully served me before, but who now will not follow my directions and do God's Will, meaning those ones called George W. Bush, President Of The United States, and Laura Bush, his wife.
I have called to them to do God's mission and, to fulfill God's purpose, but they have said no unto me, for these are not the things desired of men, so therefore we will not do them.  This has pained me, greatly.
To make the world understand how great my pain is, that these two have failed me, and will not do my bidding, I will tell you who they were in the past, that served me well and faithfully, so you will understand my sorrow that they will not serve me now.
He that is called George W. Bush was the shepherd boy, the harp player, the stone thrower, the giant killer, the wise King and, the defender of Israel.  In his hour did the enemies of Israel tremble. They whispered his name for they dared not say it aloud, for they feared it so much.  He was called David, The King, and out of his loins did salvation come.  Out of him was man made right with God.  He was the father of wisdom, and it is strange, as these things go, that his son is now his father!  But in the way of these things this is not uncommon.
The other, the woman, Laura Bush, was the slave girl stolen from her happy home in Egypt by a cruel master, who abused her greatly 'til a great man destroyed his band of raiders, and took those that he held captive as his own servants.  This man made this Egyptian girl his wife's maid, and when his wife was old and dry she said "Here!  Take this maid and give us a child that we may love it."  And the maid was joyous in this, for she loved her master above all men.  And a child DID come forth from her, and it was loved by all.  But then the master's wife, to everyone's amazement, also bore a son, and bitterness rose between her and her maid.  And her master sent her and her son away.  She became the mother of a great nation.  Her name was Hagar.  She was the mother of Ishmael.
But this was not the only time that this woman served God!  For in another time she was again a captive taken into bondage.  But this time she was of the people of Israel.  But her bearing was so great that the King fell in love with her, and made her his queen, and when great evil threatened her people, she convinced the king to let them defend themselves, and with her own hand, in single combat, slayed their greatest enemy, winning the King's favor even more.  Her name was Esther, and she was called The Queen Of Salvation.
This is how these two have served me in the past, have served God, The Father.  They were faithful and true then, and did not forsake the missions I gave them.  They have even more power today than they had then!  But man has corrupted them.  They prefer politics, trickery and, deception to The Way Of God.  They hear me, but they will not obey, and this makes great heaviness in my heart, great misery because those who served me so well before fail me now.  This concludes my explanation of why these two so hurt me, why they make me sorrow so, and I hope that man understands my words, and will say to them "You loved The Lord before, you served him faithfully, serve Him again, do His will, fulfill His mission, follow His instructions, for we want all to be well with us and, God."  I ask the people to cry out and say "Do the will of Jesus!"

Yours In The Service Of Our Father In Heaven
Now And Forever,

Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ

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Powerful New Weapon

As the battle continues to save mankind We have a formidable new weapon generated by the followers of John Lennon.  In some manner that we don't understand and We wish We could duplicate they are producing a formidable new kind of energy that can destroy creatures of Darkness directly.  Before We were only able to beat them into submission and force them to flee into some dark place where they would spend thirty years or so healing before they could come back and be a threat to Us again.  Now, however, with this new energy being generated since we were on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!"  We are able to destroy these foul creatures directly, instantaneously, and forever, and they are terrified.  Many of those that were still resisting Us have deserted their leaders and have come to Us begging that We not attack them.  They are providing Us with information and showing Us their living agents that have been feeding them.  We do not understand how the creatures of Darkness are keeping up the fight that they are putting forth when so many of their numbers have come over to Us.  But this new power is giving us a definite advantage, and We are using it!  The love sent to John Lennon is powerful!  It is powerful, indeed!

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