July 31, 2,004
Who In The Hell Are They?

As Jesus reveals who John Kerry was, and, John Edwards, people are asking a question We fully expected, yet is utterly impossible to answer.  Who were Bill & Hillary Clinton?  We can only say who they used to be.  Bill was originally a minor Arkansas politician who had lived several lifetimes and not managed to accomplish very much, only becoming a minor public servant during each life.  But he had ambitions to be something greater, and was actually somewhat in support of The Kingdom Of God, though not extremely religious.
His wife had actually been his wife a couple of times, and shared his ambitions that he serve in a higher position.  They strived to have him obtain the govenorship.  Then something happened.  They had a minor accident or a sickness that no one paid much attention to.  People didn't notice that afterwards they had profoundly changed, they didn't know that the original occupants of these bodies had been replaced by something vile and disgusting, something evil beyond belief.  The original occupants of the bodies had died, and they had been taken over by creatures of Darkness, what are commonly referred to as walk ins
No one has any idea who these creatures of Darkness originally were.  It is believed by some, including myself, that they are not even human, that they are members of an organization that is called Ashtar Command, that for some time they were plotting to subject the human race.  But now they have been virtually destroyed and the goal of their agents left on Earth is to drive the human race to extinction, to punish them for the destruction of their  race.
We know this sounds absolutely out of the ball park, absolutely unbelievable!  But We have very strong beliefs that this is true, that these individuals are perhaps the greatest danger the human race has ever faced.  The only thing We can tell you for sure, is the soul now possessing Bill Clinton's body is not the one that originally possessed it, nor, is the soul possessing Hillary Clinton's body the one that originally possessed that.  We know this for an absolute fact, because both the Souls are in The Afterlife, and have been for some time.  So the souls inhabiting these two bodies have to be somebody else!  That is simple fact, pure and simple.  Who, or, what they are We cannot say for sure.  We can only say they are profoundly evil, incredibly dangerous, and that is quite enough!

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Sorry Kurt, Can't Use It!

We were sitting here Sunday morning when John Lennon started singing a song Kurt Cobain had written about Delaware, and we were just cracking up it was so hilarious!  But we could never, ever use it.  Kurt's stuff is just too much.  There's no way John could even fix it.  I don't even think we'd try to put it on an adult record.  Basically it's about the Democrats and smelly gas, if you get my meaning!  It's being passed around by word of mouth but The Kingdom Of God would not even permit it to be recorded, and I don't think anybody else would, either.  There's just some things that They won't go beyond, and this is one of them.  It may be sung in private homes but it will never be used in any public places anywhere in The Afterlife.  There are just limits They won't go beyond.  I am really surprised the recent cartoon we mentioned has been allowed, but Jesus has said it is a sad expression of the truth and must be permitted.
It is so hard sometimes, to make people understand about the subtle differences over There, how though They may be opposed to something They don't hate, They simply do what They have to do.  They might have to express a hard truth, but there are points of vulgarness that They will not pass.  It is just totally different from the material world, and sometimes so very, very hard to put into words.  But we just can't use this song!

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