July 7, 2,004
John's Frustration

John Lennon extremely irate that he can't get his music out to oppose Kerry in the upcoming election.  Because of legal ramifications we cannot produce a CD with his songs.  We are in hopes that some day we can overcome the evil creature that is causing this, and get John's message out to the world.  But until we have more financial resources and more political clout we won't be able to.  The illusion of freedom of speech in America is sometimes very frustrating.  An ignorant person can claim she has the right to copyright somebody's name and nobody else can use it without her consent.  There are some that say she might even be able to stop us from telling what John has done in The Kingdom Of God.  That would be a fight they wouldn't want to join, but if need be we would, because what John has done is the proving of the power of salvation, of Christ's ability to redeem Souls and use Them for the good of all.  If we lose the right to speak out on that, to tell the world what is happening in The Afterlife, the Earth is finished.  Mankind is doomed.  If some ignorant judge can say "I don't believe this!  I don't believe John Lennon could become an Apostle of Jesus Christ!  I forbid it being taught!" Christianity is finished.

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One Angry Lady!

I often say that people can write books that are absolute crap, total lies and fabrications, and make millions. Some moron has written a book saying Jackie Kennedy was having an affair William Holden, got pregnant by him, and lost the baby.  I cannot publish Jackie's comments.  Let's just say when this guy gets to The Afterlife he's going to need one of those protective suits that race car drivers wear, 'cause things are going to get very hot for him very fast!  This is one mad lady, one angry woman!  I've seen what she can do to people in The Hall Of Judgment before, it's not pleasant!  She's told Everybody "Get out of the way!  I've got first bids on this guy!  He's mine!  If there's anything left when I get done you can take over."  And Everybody has answered "He's all yours, Jackie!  Enjoy!"

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Jeffrey John, Look Out!

Jeffrey John, the pervert in The Anglican Church in England is back.  He's got some deranged people to accept him as a bishop in the church.  Jesus says "No way!"  He asks everybody not to support this church, not to fund it.  He says He's going after old Jeffrey personally, will be attacking him every day looking for any weakness He can exploit, any evil He can expose.  Jesus says if He can He'll break him.  That means it's only a matter of time.  Sooner or later Jesus will find some way of removing him from the scene.  Might take a while, but Jesus is patient.  He just keeps attacking 'til the one He's after is destroyed.  That's what you get when you mess with The Son Of God's church, when you decide you're going to pervert His people and try to get them to follow your sickness, to accept your perversion.  You get The Lord Of Heaven breathing down the back of your neck and watching your every move, every hour of the day, waiting to pounce.  That would make me very, very nervous!  Actually it would terrify me!  I wonder why this guy doesn't have the common sense to be afraid?  Must be a pretty powerful creature of Darkness controlling him, that he has the gumption to take on The Lord Of Heaven!  Pretty uneven battle!  We'll just have to wait and see how long it takes Jesus to put an end to this.  Shouldn't be too difficult for Him.

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