A Little For Contrast

One of our associates made a comment that we believe should be answered.  She said "I've been watching you and Linda on Jimmy Kimmel, and I noticed Linda is wearing lipstick.  I thought you didn't believe in make up."  True, we don't believe in make up.  But unfortunately for the television camera you have to have good contrast and Linda is light complected.  So to make her show up well they have to put a little make up on her.  As soon as the show is over it comes off.  I can't use any myself, because I'm just too sensitive.  We tried it once and I had problems for a week afterwards.  But true, our Teachings are quite clear.  We do not believe in adorning ourselves.  Linda would not wear excessive make up even on the television.  She's not Tammy Faye!  But she does have to use a little so people can see her well.  If they ever invent a t.v. camera and lighting that makes this unnecessary she will stop.

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Breast Exams On The Old Worlds

Women's Way here in North Dakota keeps reminding Linda it's time for her breast exam again.  It brought to mind the fact that someone some time ago had asked if breast cancer was a problem on The Old Worlds.
Well, in the early days of all the worlds there were some problems with it, but all three of the old races slowly got rid of most of it by not allowing those people that carry genes that made them susceptible to it reproduce.  This sounds shocking to the people of Earth, but all three races recognized the fact that people with genetic deficiencies that cause their offspring to be sick shouldn't reproduce.  Despite the fact that breast cancer was rare among all three peoples, women were still monitored for it constantly.
On Haven each community had droids that went around to each woman's house twice a year and performed a breast exam.
On Hades and Peepi the women went to free clinics for these exams.  The disease was easily treatable on all three worlds if quickly detected.  So early detection was important.  Those who neglected taking care of their health were looked down upon in all three societies, for it was felt they were making themselves a burden on society.  As bad as The Godden Empire was, one of the things it recognized was that it had to see to the medical needs of its subjects.  It was one of the factors that made it last as long as it did.  Perhaps that would be a good lesson for dictators on Earth.

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