December 16, 2,004
How We Get Our Info

How do we get our information on what Al Quaida is doing?   We get most of it from its victims, those who followed it and have died, and are in The Afterlife struggling to keep from suffering the second death. They are more than willing to unburdon their souls, to give The Lords Of Heaven anything they know in the hope of continuing their existence.  Self preservation is a tremendous reason for a soul to cooperate!  Our latest information, however, came from another source; a young demon in Iraq, a recent suicide bomber.  He approached Muhammed during a lull in the daily fighting over there between the demons and The Bearers Of Light.  He explained to Muhammed that he was very displeased that he had not gotten the reward he was promised for his sacrifice.  That instead, he found himself struggling with the other creatures of Darkness to feed on the dying bodies and sustain his existence.  
He told Muhammed he had been approached in the Saudi capitol, Rihyad, by a man who said he was the head of Al Quaida operations in that area.  He explained that they were looking for suicide bombers for a special mission, that they had found a weak point in The Royal Family's compound where they could blow their way in and distribute vehicles throughout it, before the security forces could reach them.  Their plan was to get as many vehicles inside as possible and have them detonate, then send in people on foot to kill any that survived.  The young man declined this offer, as he did not want to kill his own people.  
Muhammed asked the young man to accept help, to be returned to The Light.  The young man answered "Father Of Wisdom, it is too late for me.  I am lost already.  I am doomed.  But save as many of my brothers as you can.  I await the coming of The Bright One, I await The Voice Of The Prophets and, my doom."  With that the demon left Muhammed.  Oh!  The young man did describe the person that had spoken to him.  He said he wasn't too tall, very thin, and had graying hair, and clean shaven.  He was wearing a business suit, not traditional Arab garb.  
This is how we get our information on Al Quaida, from those it has doomed.

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