By; Linda J. Polley

Serah, "A Thousand Candles" CD From Great Northern Arts Music, Available from, or along with New Leaf  770-948-7845. 

The beautiful lady with the fantastic voice and lyrics is back with this new CD which blends world music with the upbeat styles of today and several other types to become an inspiring collection of new songs helping everyone understand other cultures and styles of music.  This CD also features other popular World Music performers.  Great for listening, dancing, meditating, and all, ages, plus it comes in a container which is a masterpiece in itself!  Just when you thought you have it all with everything already described, you also receive an illustrated booklet featuring all the lyrics!   HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

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December 31, 2,004
Help Being Sent

Though The Kingdom Of God's plans have been altered for The Iraq Election because of the disaster in The Indian Ocean They have not been stopped completely.  Jesus had intended to strip Europe and Asia of all Angelic Workers, and to throw Them into Iraq under the leadership of Father Abraham, Moses, and The Twelve Apostles.  Father Abraham, Moses, and The Apostles have been dispatched.  They are now in Iraq and setting up operations.  What Angelic Workers can be spared from Europe are being sent to Iraq.  And South America is sending every Angelic Worker that can be spared, and so are parts of Africa.  Muhammed's daily battles with the creatures of Darkness are going to become far more intense!  Unfortunately Jesus will not be able to join the battle.  Things have arisen in The United States that makes it impossible for Him to depart at this time.  But He is sending the best He has to help The Iraqi People, while still maintaining the struggle elsewhere.  It is hard for Us to believe that the creatures of Darkness could've caused this disaster in The Indian Ocean, it seems far beyond the realm of possibility, but it is an incredible coincidence that this horrendous disaster should happen at this moment when the fate of the world depends on success or failure in Iraq.  Muhammed still desperately wants The United States to give Hussein over to him for trial, to have me go to Iraq so he can use my body to sit in judgment on this foul creature and send him to the oblivion that he deserves.  But in order for that to work the people in The United States need to rise up and cry "Send The Voices Of The Prophets to Iraq!  Give Muhammed Hussein!  Let him deal with him!"  And the people of Iraq would have to cry "Send us The Voices Of The Prophets!  Let them bring us the power to destroy the evil that oppresses us!  Give us what is rightfully ours, let the evil be destroyed!"  But how do we awaken the people?  Our power is at levels it has never been before, but the people are not responding.  How do we get them to respond?  Why won't they return our love and accept what is offered?  Why?


On another matter, we have been getting a great deal of hate male from Europe concerning John Lennon's new music. Apparently somebody has put mention of us on a blog and it is giving us a great deal of attention!  It is strange that those who believe do not write.  They can be felt everywhere, yet they remain silent.  Why do those so full of venom, so full of evil send their messages of evil trying to stop our Work, and those that believe remain silent?  We need the voices of believers speaking out.  We need those who are touched by the Angels and hear them telling others that we are true, but they remain silent, afraid they will be ridiculed by those that hate.  Some day they will speak, but hopefully by then, it will not be too late.  

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