January 21, 2,005
Muhammed To Iraq

Sometimes the requests we are sent from The Afterlife are absolutely impossible, simply couldn't be done!  Muhammed wants desperately to go to Iraq using my body so he can be with his people and carry power to them during the upcoming election.  He asked me to write President Bush and ask him to arrange this.  Of course the government would not take part in such an effort because they disapprove of some of the things that Muhammed wants for his people.  But still, this letter is prepared, as Jesus came along and said "President Bush says he supports me, says he believes in me.  If he wanted to do this thing he could do it.  This is a test to see how much he does believe, and how much he is just pretending to get the public's support.  So, here we go.

President Bush,

You are well aware of my abilities, you are well aware that I am true.  Muhammed wants to use my body to go to Iraq and be with his people during the election, and encourage them to stand up against the insurrectionists, take back their country to secure their freedom.  He asks you to arrange this and make it possible.  
Jesus Of Nazareth, who you have sworn loyalty to, and absolute devotion to, asks you to fulfill His request.  You have said you want to spread liberty around the world.  Now is the time to do it.  Now is the time to take bold action in the name of Heaven.  The Prophet stands ready to assist you, and Jesus stands behind him, giving him all the power He can muster, for the fight in Iraq is a fight for the very survival of mankind.  The request is made through me, The Son Of God has spoken to you and said "Do this thing.  It is my will."  How will you answer Him when he asks "Why did you not do my will when you said you were my disciple?"  
Jesus has asked that we send this out to all our contacts so as many in the world may know that The Son Of God has spoken to The President Of The United States and given him a mission, and now waits to see if he will carry that mission out, if he is a true believer or just a pretender.  We all know he's only a pretender, will not actually follow The Son Of God's wishes, that he prefers the ways of man, but we can hope, we can dream.

Speaker Gerald Polley
Servant Of The Lord Of Heaven


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