January 28, 2,005
Betrayers Cast Out


An Open Letter From The Founder Of Islam To All The World

Most Profound And Sad Greetings!

I come to you today to tell you that early this morning I have had to take an action that has deeply hurt me, but had to be done.  I have ordered my Forces in Paradise to gather a thousand Syrians and a thousand Iranians and to expel them from Paradise.  They are mainly members of families that are part of the rulership of both of these countries.  Their living relatives are involved in the terrorism that is going on in Iraq.  They were supposed to be trying to reach these people, telling them that what they were doing was against the will of God, and that they must stop.  Instead my Agents in Paradise have informed me that they were telling others perhaps their loved ones in the material world were justified, perhaps they WERE defending Islam, perhaps Those in The Grand Alliance were actually trying to destroy their faith.  I cannot tolerate such lies!  No matter how much they love their children I cannot tolerate their defense of their evil in any way, so I have been forced to expel these people from the part of The Afterlife that I rule, that God and His Precious Son have given me dominion over.  
I am not merciless, I am not without pity.  If these individuals now repent their evil, repent their support of those who are murdering in the name of God for their own greed and lust, and reach these wayward children, and have them cease their evil, and turn themselves over to the authorities and tell the authorities all who they were involved with, I might certainly let these people return to fellowship with their loved ones.  They will no longer have to live in anguish among the nonbelievers, desiring desperately to see those they love and cherish, but cut off from them forever, because of the evil in their hearts.
Others who were only putting forth a half hearted effort to reach their loved ones and stop their evil are now making a much harder effort to stand for what is right, to reach their children, and to drive the darkness from their souls.  They thought my words were empty, they thought my warnings mute, they thought that I would never actually punish anyone because they were not doing God's full Work.  This morning I have shown them I am completely earnest.  Those whose living relatives are involved in the murder of my people and do not fight with everything They have to make them stop will be cast out of Paradise, will lose their eternal bliss, no matter how powerful they were in life, no matter what rank they had, if they do not support me fully and completely in Paradise, they will be put out to dwell among the nonbelievers, because that's what they are, nonbelievers.  
Be warned, the age of patience is gone, the age of understanding is gone.  Now there can be no discourse, no argument, no pity for those doing evil, or, those supporting it.  Be warned!  God has ordered me to take action, and I will obey God!  

Yours In His Service
Now And Forever,

Muhammed, Called The Prophet

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