January 29, 2,005
The Battles Rage!

Muhammed's efforts to make his followers understand how severe the current situation is continues.  Today he expelled 400 people from Paradise from Jordan, and a hundred from Saudi Arabia.  Their offense is the same one that others have committed.  Though they were making a half hearted effort to get their living relatives to stop opposing the efforts in Iraq they were privately speaking to others that perhaps Muhammed was wrong, and that their people were right in opposing the Americans.  No resistance will be tolerated, whatsoever.  Muhammed insists on absolute and complete obedience...no support of the insurrectionists, whatsoever, no hint that they might, in any way, be justified, is allowed in The Kingdom Of God.  
The battles in Iraq between The Forces Of Light, and, the forces of Darkness continue, unabated.  The encounters are now almost hourly!  It is believed the older demons that can still penetrate the national barriers are ferrying energy to the younger demons that can no longer penetrate them, that they are getting this energy from the genocide going on in Chad.  They are determined to break the elections in Iraq, to keep it from becoming a democratic state so they can continue to use it as a power base for their evil.  The Forces Of Light are just as determined to beat them!  It is going to be a struggle!  The next few hours are going to be crucial to the survival of the world.  
The Kingdom Of God has one vital weapon in this struggle; John Lennon, Heaven's Hero.  The demons will stand and fight against Father Abraham, Moses, Jesus and, Muhammed.  But when John Lennon appears anywhere on the battlefield they flee in utter horror as soon as he is recognized!  So he is going to and fro in Iraq, attacking the creatures of Darkness wherever they mass, keeping them from gathering in sufficient numbers, that they can put up a severe resistance.  Hour after hour the battles rage.  

January 30, 2,005
Glorious Celebration!

Kingdom Of God considers Its efforts highly successful in Iraq.  Are not sure yet, what the future holds, but They believe They overcame the insurrectionists and have given Iraq a chance.  Jesus has ordered an all out celebration.

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