October 12, 2,005
A Bit Of A Mystery

John Lennon's birthday last Sunday created a bit of a mystery.  John started singing a new song and dedicating it to a friend.  But no one could relate it to anyone, and John refused to say outright, who the song was for.  The only one we know of that uses the name Knight is The Black Knight, James Arthur Janick, who has a Sunday night radio show on the internet.


 If it is this individual his efforts must've made quite an impression for John to write a song about him so quickly!  He did use quite a bit of John's new material last weekend.  But it is unusual for John to write a song like this and not say who it's for.  We can't think of who else it could be.  

By; John Lennon
Channeled Through; Linda J. Polley
All rights reserved.

1.  Well, he's a Knight, he's a Knight,
And he hasn't got a sword!
He's a Knight, yes, he's a Knight,
he's fightin' for The Lord!
He's heard of the Glory,
He's fightin' for The Cause!
Yes, he's a knight,
and he's fightin' for The Lord!

2.  You know he's got the power,
The power from The Lord!
Yes he's a Knight,
And he never needs a sword!
He's gonna tell the Glory,
of the servant of The Lord!
He's gonna raise the power,
The power of The Lord!

3.  You know he's got the Glory
The Word Of The Lord!
You know he's a Knight,
Though he never needs a sword!
Come and hear The Glory,
He's speaking for The Lord!
He has got The Glory,
The Glory Of The Lord!

He's a Knight!

And speaking of John Lennon, every once and a while Jesus comes to us and says something that's so extroadinary that it makes you shake your head and wonder.  The other day after John's birthday celebrations Jesus came to us and casually said "Oh!  By the way, be sure to tell people I've been sending John out to injured children and having him heal their injuries.  He just appears to them, smiles, and when he goes away their injuries are healed, or healed enough anyway, that they'll survive and not have any problems later.  I just wanted to let people know I'm having him do this because I don't want them to think the great power that they have been sending Us is only being used to destroy.  So if children start saying that this has happened to them, that made remarkable recoveries from their injuries, don't tell them they're crazy!  Because they are part of a miracle."  Now, how would you like to have that dumped on you out of nowhere?   Working for The Lord Of Heaven can have its frustrations.  It can really have its frustrations! 
And next week's "Here's Jesus!"  is going to be a good one!  We record the segments some time ahead, and in the one we worked on today Jesus says The Forces Of God were responsible for the recent flooding in New Hampshire!  He also told how Bin Laden was attacked in the recent earthquake.  Things are getting interesting, they're really getting interesting! 


 From  "Here's Jesus!"  September 25, 05

Nazarene-  It is true, Alura, that God The Father ordered me to take action against The United States.  And I did approve and direct this effort.  But I, myself, had nothing to do with controlling the hurricanes.  God The Father would not permit me to do that.  I am God The Father's love, I am God The Father's forgiveness.  I cannot actually do the attacking.  I cannot actually hurt others. It is not permitted for me to do.  God has another that He uses for these purposes....The Angel Of Destruction, His great wrath that He calls upon when things like this need to be done.  Yes, I ordered this to be done, but I did not actually control the hurricanes.  I did not acutally direct Those making the hurricanes go where We wanted them to go.  And these Souls did a horrendous effort, and They accomplished all that God wanted Them to accomplish.  And I am very, very proud of Their  Work, though it is very, very saddening that it had to be done.  No, Alura, I am God's love and joy.  I told others to do this, but I had no part of it myself.

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