October 21, 2,005
The Wind Is A Blowin', The Ground Is A Rockin'!

Well, not much new. The Kingdom Of God is trying to make Wilma the hurricane that They'll take to Washington D.C, or at least give the east coast another pounding.  We can only wait and see!  They don't think They could take this one to New Orleans again.  The power to do this is running a little low this season.  Not saying that if the opportunity presented itself, They wouldn't!  But there's always next year.  Let the rebuilding get underway.  Let them spend millions of dollars then knock it all down again. 
We don't know about this idea of Jesus' of building a hundred foot barrier, actually 120 feet, around New Orleans and filling it in.  It would probably be the 9th wonder of the world!  But as that area is already subsiding would putting that much weight on it make it subside that much faster?  Some experts are going to have go to work on that. 
Speaking of experts, Those in The Kingdom Of God that deal with earthquakes are a little worried about the west coast.  They say there's a pattern in other recent earthquakes that They've seen before in ages passed that occurred just before a major earthquake on the American west coast.  Even They don't get it right all the time, but They were looking for a quake in Japan and it came just about the time They were expecting it!  Now They're looking for activity in the mid Pacific.  If that comes They're pretty certain something is coming for the west coast.  Don't like to hear that!  But thought we'd pass it on to the experts in the material world.  They might want to study some of their old data and see if they can find this pattern too, if somebody already hasn't.  Otherwise than that things are pretty quiet. 
Everybody's laughing at the so called trial for Hussein in Iraq.  Jesus says "Lot of hollering for nothing! They'll waste a lot of time and a lot of money and just keep him in prison and he'll go right on terrorizing the world.  The living just do not understand the extent of his power!  Some day they will, but it will be too late, it will be way to late!"
It's really funny!  We've got 54 downloads from a web site that didn't like John's book!  Apparently a lot of people visiting it did!  It's so very strange.  We very often get far more interest from negative articles than we do positive ones!  People are strange.  People are very, very strange!  Here's the official count.  John Lennon- 472 downloads,  George Harrison- 513.
We wish so much we were free to travel!  We are so tired of these stupid haunted house things that are supposed to be so damned scary!  We would like to challenge one of these shows to find a place that was so scary we couldn't stay in it overnight on Halloween.  I mean some of these places that are supposed to be so terrifying are just a laughing stock!  The people that they take into them are jokes!  A squeaking mouse would terrify most of them to death!  And we think that some of the noises that are so frightening the people on these shows, mice.  As long as the place was warm and dry, and we had lights, none of these places would scare us at all! 


From  "Here's Jesus!"  Sep. 28, 2,005

Linda- This is Speaker Linda Polley!  It's September 28th, 2,005, and "Here's Jesus!"  Nazarene, I understand You got the power that You used for the attack on The Gulf Coast from a very unusual place, that You ordered the destruction of the Heavenly abodes of President Bush and The First Lady, destroyed their mansions in Heaven, and used the power that was released to carry out these efforts on The Gulf Coast.  Is this true?  Can such a thing be done?

Nazarene-  Such a thing can be done, Alura, with relative ease!  I can destroy the mansion of anyone in The Kingdom Of God and use that power for other things.  The President and The First Lady have failed me, because they will not take on the missions that God has given them.  They will not do what God wants them to do.  They prefer the praise of man.  The President is trying to pack The Supreme Court, to take away womens' rights, and to force his religious beliefs on other people.  Even though he really knows those religious beliefs are wrong he is trying to please his friends, and do what they want, and take away womens' rights.  And that will not be allowed!  We will tear this country apart before We let those that blasphemy God have their way!  It is a sad thing, but when those refuse to do what God wants them to do, God has a right to take away the rewards that He has given them.  And God WILL take away the rewards that they have given them.  You must obey God if you want the rewards that He has promised you!  You cannot do whatever you want to do and expect that you are going to receive those rewards.

-  You tell 'em, Nazarene!  They did really bad things by going along with the Gaza pull out!  They can't get away with this stuff without some kind of punishment.  

Nazarene-  You tell them, Alura!  Maybe someday your messages will reach them, and you can save their souls.  I doubt it, but maybe some day!


When someone does constantly foolish things he cannot expect that people are going to look upon him as intelligent.
-An Old Haven expression.
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