We screamed they had no justification.  She was just trying to see her kids, she just wanted her rights as a mother.  But nobody would listen, nobody would hear. They killed our baby!  Just killed her!  And nobody would do a thing. Justified defense, they said. Cold blooded murder, I say!  I want a chance at a few of them, just a chance to even the score, kill them like they killed our baby!  God damned miserable rotten holier than thou bastards!"
    Again a murmur of approval went up from those gathered.  "What about you, Lt. Morgan?" the captain asked. "I hear you got a hell of a story, really wierdsville!"
    The lieutenant looked around, hesitant, then nodded.  "I suppose I might as well share too," he agreed.  "I had a restaurant.  Worked all my life to get it, and you won't believe what happened!"


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