By; Speaker Gerald Polley

During the Middle Ages Catholic Priests, in order to turn their new converts away from the old nature religions which many of them practiced, began to brand these religions the work of Satan, and to accuse them of terrible acts that were not part of these ancient beliefs.
As time went on and their descendants tortured and murdered any who would not accept their faith, they made them confess to these non-existant acts of worship. These confessions were written down and later put down in other books by other priests as facts. Unfortunately today these books have been translated, and the ignorance in them has ben accepted by some as fact, and grown into the Satanic cults we have today.
There is no truth to any of these teachings, and no benefit that can be derived from practicing them that will not draw a bitter price in the end. We warn any that follow such beliefs to turn from them and seek The Paths Of Light, for the path you now follow will bring you only misery and darkness.


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