We had intended this issue, to reprint a copy of an excellent leaflet "What Is Wicca" by Amber K, High Priestess. Unfortunately we did not receive permission in time to do so. We would also like to recommend a list of books from the leaflet that may be available in your library.

Drawing Down The Moon, By Margot Adler
The Spiral Dance, By Starhawk
Positive Magic, By Marion Weinstein
What Witches Do, By Stewart Farrar
Witchcraft For Tomorrow, By Doreen Valiente


Feel free to send us any articles you feel of interest to our readers, on any subject pertaining to Wicca. They will be welcome. Kindly include a SASE if you wish your material returned.


More and more lately almost everywhere you see young people constantly using obscene language and obscene gestures. Sometimes, when someone rebukes them, you will hear,
"Oh, I'm just talking like a man or a woman."
The use of vulgarity does not hasten one's flight into adulthood, it only shows how little the person has actually learned of life.
To openly degrade the holy relationship between man and woman does not show maturity, but only ignorance.
Such language is at best, onlyl for private usage, if it must be used at all. It is perhaps excusable in times of great distress or hardship, but even then is questionable. In the words of The Nazarene,
"It defile a man not what goes into his mouth, but that which comes out of it." (Matthew 15:11) Let us learn to speak wisely, or contrary to a popular song, "Don't talk dirty to me."

By; Speaker Gerald Polley

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