COVER PICTURE;"The Last Landing"
By; Betsy Daggett Dunham

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What A Spiritist Believes
3. A Spiritist Believes in Natural Law.

A Spiritist believes in Natural Law, and they do not give this Natural Law a name. Natural Law simply states that for every action there is a result, good or bad.

By; Speaker Gerald A. Polley

The other day while making my usual Saturday grocery run, filling our shopping cart with our weekly needs, I rounded the aisle and came upon two lovely young women in shorts and halter tops. One was obviously pregnant, to say the least, and the two were happily chatting about how excited the young mother's husband was about the coming baby.
Suddenly an older woman coming from the opposite direction stopped and began to talk very coarsely to the young mother.
"Don't you have any pride?" she said, "Don't you have any shame or dignity? Running around, showing it off like's disgusting!"
This rather irritated me, so I walked over and began to speak to the young woman myself. "Look," I said, "don't listen to her. There's nothing shameful or immoral about being pregnant. It's a perfectly natural and beautiful state, and you look just fine! Don't let foolishness like that bother you."
The older woman's face turned bright red. She grabbed her cart and going "Oooh! Oooh!" waddled off down the aisle, not looking back. The bewildered young woman looked after her, then for a moment her eyes met mine and her face brightened with a smile. She put her hand on my shoulder and said, "Thanks, darling! You're a dear!" and headed off down the aisle, exchanging giggles with her friend.
I have often wondered why a certain religion has taken one of the most beautiful and sacred periods in a woman's life and made it into something disgusting, vulgar and sinful. It is hard to believe that in some parts of this country less than 100 years ago, pregnant women were required not to show themselves in public when their pregnancy became obvious, because they were partakers of original sin, and therefore in a state of shame. Any religion that spreads such absurd and ridiculous ideas cannot long endure.
Any religion that takes what is sacred and holy and makes it something shameful is an absurdity, something that can thrive among ignorant and savage people, but will surely pass away with the coming of Wisdom and Understanding. For that which is good cannot be made evil. Such a decption can last for a time, but not forever.

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