
By; Lavonne Baird


This happened one night in the summer of 1972. I was 13 and on a date with my then boyfriend, Dave. He had Night Blindness and couldn't see well enough to drive after dark so we had a friend driving. We were just driving around when we ended up on a country road. It was one of those lonely, deserted roads in the boonies with no houses nearby but there was a bright full moon. Dave and I were in the backseat smooching away. After a while (about an hour or so) I became bored with it but he wasn't, and I was unable to get him to stop or to do anything else. I gave up after a while and decided to make the best of the situation. I figured as long as he was having fun I would also entertain myself at his expense too. I opened my eyes and began to watch the stars out of the window. After watching them for five minutes or so I spotted the UFO on the right side of our car in the night sky. At first I thought I must have been seeing things, but it remained flying near us in my sight.
It took me a couple of times but I managed to get Dave to look, too. Once he saw it he was no longer pre-occupied. It got his attention when nothing else did! Both he and our driver saw it along with me. Dave was a scientific type, and had electronic gear in the car. We brought up what seemed to have been a sort of portable radar of which we were able to track the thing we were following. We turned off the car's lights and followed it slowly. There was nothing but total static on the radio but this later stopped. Other than this there was no interference with the car's operation. On both sides of the road there were fields and it landed in the left one.
We all got out of the car and was watching it. It was only 20 feet away and we could see it clearly. It was as solid and real as your next door neighbor's house. It was white in color, had a couple portholes on the side that was facing us and underneath its "belly" were red and blue vibrating lights. It felt like energy of some sorts, and I always felt that this so called UFO was a ship of some intelligence. I was not afraid. There was only the excitement of anticipation. I never saw anyone/anything succinctly in the portholes or windows, though at one point I thought I saw a shadow near one of them. It was not clear so I cannot be sure. After a few minutes I got the overwhelming urge to go up to it. It was more than curiosity. It was like I was being telepathically invited....but it was non verbal. I could feel the message rather than hearing it. I started to approach it although against my companion's wishes. As I got near though, I became fearful. I had read about UFO'S and began to remember the stories of radiation sickness. It frightened me enough to go back. I realized later--when it was too late--that if the so called forcefield had been up as is thought in these cases, our car would have been effected. I know it had been turned off for the "invitation" and I would have been safe--at least from that. I will always regret not following through. What would have happened if I had approached the front of the craft and its "door"? It may have been a once in a lifetime experience but if it was ever to happen again my re-action might be very different. I was, at the time, only 15 years old.
I returned to my friends and we continued to watch it by the car for some more minutes. Soon afterwards it seemingly got tired of waiting for me to approach again and it lifted off. We intended to follow it again and got into our car, but had barely gone a foot when it zoomed off. It was out of sight within a couple of seconds!
It apparently chose to be followed and watched, and was seeking contact. I feel there was mutual disappointment but I was only a child after all. Needless to say we did not report the sighting for obvious reasons, to the police. A year later, however, I was in a school study group on UFO's and during our presentation I did tell the visiting UFO investigator about the experience. Interestingly enough I had not planned to but found myself doing so without realizing it and then couldn't, of course, back down. I was never able to get back to that country road, so I do not know if the ground was seared with any physical evidence or not.

By; Speaker Gerald A. Polley


The following questions were sent by Susan Baxter for The Olympian Gods. They are answered by Zeus, himself.

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1. Is Pan currently working with people on Earth with a nature project?
A. Pan works with many in your plane of existence. His love for nature is still great, and he is appalled by the way man has turned away from the beauty of natural things to the artificialness of today. He wants to instill in mankind a love of nature, a desire to protect all living things. He whispers in the ears of many an environmentalist or those who would save the whale or the cougar or the antelope...all living things are his joy and he seeks to protect them all.
2. Are The Ancient Stories such as Ulysses true, in that there were such magical creatures as Sirens and Cyclops?
A. The story of Ulysses is basically true. Of course things did tend to get a bit exaggerated. Yes, the Cyclops did exist, and so did the Sirens. Unfortunately some of our children did not turn out as we would have liked. But I think this is a problem that even the people of today must contend with.
3. It has been my theory that all of the "mythical" creatures are real and have been in and out of our lives many times- Dragons, Faries, Trolls, Unicorns, and all manner of things have been in and out of our lives from other dimensions or planets and must have left because they didn't care for the way the "human" race has been running things. Am I right?
A. Basically I would say there is a lot of truth to your statement. I would tend, though, to concentrate on other worlds rather than dimensions. Man's memory, all of mankind, includes the flora and fauna and animals of many worlds besides Earth. These memories often express themselves in the form of legends when the creature that they originated from ceased to exist ages passed.
4. When the Aquarian Age is truly here, will the Olympian Gods return to their homes on the mountain?
A. Someday we wish to be back in a greater sense, with the people who filled such a great part of our existence for so long. We would like to see our Temples restored, to again have our altar fires burning. Perhaps in time this WILL come to pass. We have always been at Olympus. It is our Spiritual Home. As long as people read of us, dream of us and look upon us with joy, we will continue to be there. We will never forsake those who love us.

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