By; Speaker Gerald A. Polley

Have you ever wondered where that expression came from? In Ancient Times in Greece & Rome, the local philosophers would sit in the marketplace and as the inquisitive came by, they would put a penny in their bowl, or, the equivalent, and say 'A penny for your thoughts,' and the philosopher would tell them the particular wisdom of his teacher for that day.
This tradition has passed down to us now only in the form of an expression. But many philosophers still hold out their bowl, even today, and try to make a meager living spreading their knowledge as best they can. We are no different. Our little effort is by no means great, but it is growing. We don't ask millions or even thousands, but a couple of dollars now and then will be of help to keep the wisdom coming.


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Our most sincere congratulations to The Minnesota Twins on their victory in The World Series, and our thanks to The Minnesota Twins for a great, hard fought Series. Well done, gentlemen, all around!



Notes & Messages By A Spirit Thusfar Unknown To The Material World
Channeled Through Speaker Gerald A. Polley

I'm not the famous poet, but my mother loved his works so she named me Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, after him. It has come to my knowledge that several persons have requested information directed from The Spirit World by other than famous Spirits, as is done in The Spirits Speak column. And I have been asked to fulfill these requests, and begin a new column, which will feature ordinary Spirits and tell about their existences in The Spirit World. I hope you people will bear with me, as I am an actor, not a writer, and have not had much experiece with these type of things like channeling and automatic writing.
As mentioned, I am an actor. I was not of this profession during my lifetime, but needed a change of pace from a desk job, and had always wanted to try out. So far I have had several jobs on television-yes, we do have those and, movies here- and had very good fortune with these. My best roles seem to be in science fiction. The series I am currently starring in is called "Sharo's Hunter." It is sort of a space age Robin Hood, in which I play a Han Solo type character, who robs from the rich and gives to the poor. It is currently a very popular series.
I live in a place like 17th century England in The Spirit World, in a plain cottage near the ocean where the fishing boats and sailing ships come in. I wear that style of casual cloathing. People sometimes accuse me of dressing like a pirate, though I never wear a hat. My last lifetime, however, was during 19th century England where I lived in the city and wore very proper dress for a businessman.
When I now go to work, it is in the part of The Spirit World that is like 20th Century America. As you can see, here there are sections of the world that look like any time period of any place that ever existed. It sounds complicated, but I'm used to it!
It is sometimes difficult for people to tell where I lived before I came to this world because I had to learn to speak like an American for a role I had a while back, and now I'm "hooked" on the "accent"! Some say I look like I was born there!
Well, guess I've written long enough. Hope you've enjoyed this. Thank you for taking time to read my words. All my best, Henry.

If anyone has any questions to ask the Spirits featured in this column, feel free to send them in. We will answer them as soon as possible, and, if you wish, publish them and their answers in future issues, as long as the Spirits are available. Contact us at our current address.


By; Speaker Gerald A. Polley

Some nights ago, while walking home from work, a young man drove up beside me in a suped up Chevy.
"Where are you going, sweetheart?" he asked. "Want a ride?"
"Bug off, p b !"
This insult did not seem to disturb the young man at all as he continued, "Look- I've got some money, we can go have a good time."
"Listen, idiot," I said, "you're insulting me. Get that car in gear and get out of here, or I'll haul you out of it and break your neck! I'm not your stinking kind, and I never will be! Now, roll it!"
This finally seemed to have an effect, as the young man began to scream, "Hey, man, you're crazy! You're out of your mind! What in the hell's the matter with you? There's nothing wrong with me, I'm just askin'!"
"Well, I don't like your asking," I told him, "to a real man it's sickening. Now get out of here!"
"You're crazy," the young man shouted again, "You're crazy!" and finally drove off.
I find it hard to understand why men who have this particular kind of mental illness find it so hard to understand why men who are NOT like them find it offensive. They should remember that real men find another man showing sexual interest in them offensive, and be very careful in who they approach. Others do not want to share their sickness, and do not even want it around them. Though acceptance of it has become popular, it is still just as disgusting to many, as it always has been, and, rightfully so. And men of this persuasion should remember that, making their contacts in places where their kind gather and not on the public street, where they might be mistaken in their opinion, that someone else shares their interest; because most to not.


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