
No. A Spiritist does not believe in any form of sacrifice. They believe The Lords will help them make up for any mistakes they have made, but they themselves, are responsible for those mistakes.  No one else can take away the blame for them, not even The Lords.  Personal responsibility is one of the foundations of Spiritist Teaching from its conception on the far distant world of Hades.

Then you believe The Nazarene was lying when he said that he was the only way to salvation?

No, of course not!  The Nazarene was very sincere in his belief.  He believed all that he said was true, and was only striving for the good of mankind as he saw it.  To lie, to make a deception, you must know that what you are saying is a falsity.  To The Nazarene, all that he said was true.  We might disagree with somethig that he said, but we would never call it a lie.  That would be to shame a great and honorable man, a wise and wonderful Teacher in his own Way, and that we would never do.

Do you believe that The Nazarene was the only son of God?

No.  As the Haven genes were implanted in the ancestors of the human race when the Goddens altered them for their own purposes, and the human race also acquired these genes by intermarriage with our people while they still existed in the material form, it can be said that most all of us, especially those belonging to the white race are sons and daughters, or, descendants of God.  This by no means makes us any better than anyone else.  It merely gives us the genes of another race.  There have been many Sons of God.  Of course we do accept that because of his alteration, the Nazarene was far advanced for his time, and capable of many things that the average human being will not obtain for some time.

Do The Spiritists believe that The Nazarene will return again in an all powerful physical form?

Spiritists believe that mankind, especially The Nazarene's followers, have misinterpreted this passage.  that the Nazarene has, from time to time, visited the Earth since his ascension, and will continue to do so, giving guidance and wisdom to his true followers, and even visiting those who are his friends who are even of other faiths.  Of this truth we have personal experience.

Do Spiritists celebrate the birth of The Nazarene as Christians do?

No.  As The Nazarene is not truly one of our Lords, we do not celebrate his birth.  We have our own holidays that fall in this time of year, and it is not our practice to celebrate the births of individual Lords.  We have one day set aside for each year to celebrate Their coming.

Do Spiritists believe that The Nazarene will return to rule over the world after it has been destroyed, and restored by God?

No.  Spiritists do not believe that such was ever a part of The Nazarene's Teachings, that these things were added later by his followers to make his Teachings more in line with those of their Hebrew converts.  We do not believe in doomsday end of the world prophecies such as these that The Goddens have used for centuries to intimidate their followers.

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