November 28, 2,005
Who's Out There?

Things get stranger and stranger all the time! Things have been quiet with our extra terrestrial friends for months, hardly have heard a peep out of them. Then, all of a sudden, yesterday We got a message that there had been a problem with the blockade ships guarding earth. An unidentified ship had approached the blockade zone and refused to acknowledge any signals. The primary ship on the blockade went out to intercept it. The ship continued to ignore all signals to communicate, and entered the blockade zone. The patrol ship fired warning shots and the ship turned and withdrew. The only communication that the ship gave was to repeat the name "Abraham!" three times, in English before it finally withdrew. The symbols that were on the ship are unknown to The Galactic Community. One resembled a swastika, and the other resembled a large Y. The extra terrestrials came to Gerald and showed him an image of the ship, and of the insignia on it. There is a number code below the insignia. At first it was thought that it was a ship's I.D. number. But then it was noticed the ship's I.D. number was present on several other parts of the ship, and was in a different numerical script. The script the numbers below the insignia were written in are used by several members of The Galactic Community, and easily recognized. So it is believed these numbers are a signal, a message to someone. They read 21423093 67726145910.
Later it was noticed by individuals in The Afterlife that there were some strange spirits hanging around Washington D.C. They appear human, but their auras are all wrong. It was later discovered that there are more of them hanging around New York City, and perhaps, Los Angeles. Whenever they were approached they withdrew and would not communicate with any of the local spirits! It is possible these spirits have hitched a ride on ships that are permitted to visit the earth, as long as they keep their visits clandestant and don't go public. If anybody has any idea who these individuals are, if they're communicating with them, they should warn them. Earth is blockaded! No extra terrestrial activity is allowed here. No open contact! Anyone attempting to violate the blockade will be fired upon. The blockade commander has been given that order..shoot first, talk later. Any ship that violates the blockade zone will be fired upon! And right now it's The Mora that are on duty, and they're not hesitant to fire! We have no idea what these people are up to, but We will not allow any interference on earth, no discussion, no argument, it will not be allowed! So if anybody says they're coming for any reason, they're not, no matter how powerful they think they are or how persuasive they think they are. If they try to approach earth they wil be blown away, reduced to a gas cloud. Those are the orders the blockade commander has been given by The Lord Of Heaven, and he WILL carry them out, or, she! Many of The Mora commanders are female, but they're more than capable. Again, if any spirits are telling anybody that they're extra terrestrials and they're going to land on earth for any purpose, tell them 'Don't even think of it! The attempt is suicide!' If anybody has any idea who these people are, if you've heard anybody talking about them, or, seen this symbol, let us know. Here's a link to an illustration of the symbol and the numerical message. We were having trouble with our new scanner because of the creep that jammed our computer but we finally got it working again so we could get the picture ready. Pass it around! Ask people if they've seen it. Tell people not to listen to anyone that says these people are coming!

(The Art Work Mentioned Above Is Now Featured On The Bottom Of The Next Page Of This Issue.)

Jesus is really plowing it to them in this week's "Here's Jesus!" He's attacking everybody! Today it's Jerry Falwell and Hillary Clinton, and later in the week it's The UN! He doesn't seem to be very happy with much of anybody! But He's definitely not happy with Hillary and Jerry! Check out today's "Here's Jesus!"

John Lennon has written a new Christmas song called "If You Want A Holy Christmas." Have no idea about it! Haven't got a peep yet. Maybe Linda will get something later.
The Kingdom Of God is pleased with Its efforts in The Anti Buying Campaign this year. Though a lot of people went to the malls the day after Thanksgiving They were able to get a lot of them to make only moderate purchases, or to buy real bargains that the stores were literally giving away to draw the customers in, but not to buy the high priced items. A lot of people are worried the gas prices are going to go up again.
Gerald was talking the other day to a coworker about an article he read of an experimental plant that will grow in salt water and produces an incredible amount of oil that can be processed like crude oil. Jesus was really interested in this, and is now trying to get The Saudi Arabians interested in it. They have a great deal of land that is arid, and plenty of salt water! If they could irrigate that land with salt water and replace the petroleum coming out of the ground with a renewable crop they may continue to be one of the world's major energy providers, and be influential for centuries to come! It's really something The Saudis ought to think about! They could be way ahead of anybody else, when the need for alternative fuels becomes desperate. Jesus doesn't think hydrogen is going to work out. He's afraid it's just going to be too volatile to be used in vehicles, that it may be handy to replace natural gas in pipelines. But for vehicles it's just going to be impractical. If somebody was producing an alternate fuel, they would be well off in years to come. Jesus wants The Saudis to continue to be influential in The Middle East. He has many interesting plans for them. They ought to listen to The Lord Of Heaven! That's about all for today. Keep you advised on this situation as soon as We get any more updates.

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