December 5, 2,005
This Weekend's Work

The latest news from The Afterlife is that the spirits in Canada are forming a super choir! As John Lennon's new music is The Kingdom Of God's most effective weapon the Canadian spirits are selecting a thousand individuals to be in a choir to sing John's songs that have been adapted for the Canadian political campaign. They are all well known former Canadian entertainers. As usual, the choir will be split 50/50, half men, half women. It should make a formidable addition to The Kingdom Of God's arsenal. The Angelic Choir will be used to continue the anti buying campaign in The United States during the Christmas season. The Canadians didn't want their situation to disturb this effort. Not only is this main choir being formed, but each major city is organizing a hundred person choir of its own to concentrate power in specific locations.
The Canadians are getting help from everywhere, not just Christians, Muslims, and Jews are taking part in the effort. Buddhists and Hindus who have people in Canada are trying to reach them and have them support The Kingdom Of God's efforts. If the tide can be turned in Canada, if the sodomizing of Canada's children can be stopped it gives hope to the rest of the world that the people in other countries can be reached, and this evil return to the dark and hidden places where it should be. The battle is joined. Those who would destroy God's children for their lust are being challenged. Let us pray the challenge is successful.
Below is a letter that Jesus sent to the political parties in Canada this weekend. We have gotten some odd replies. One of them went something like this. "Please do not write me any more! I believe you are sincere in what you say but I, personally, do not think that even if you talk to Jesus Jesus has any right to comment on someone's sexual preference. It is none of His business, it is none of what you call The Kingdom Of God's business! People have a right to enjoy the lifestyle they prefer without anyone telling them it's improper. Who is Jesus to tell anyone what to do? Please keep your religion in your church and out of politics. Someone else's sexual desires are none of your business! If Jesus is really as you describe Him, who would want to be in His Kingdom, anyway? It sounds a terrible place." We definitely need help getting Jesus' message to the Canadian people. When We get responses like this it is obvious they need a lot of help! When someone believes Jesus has no right to regulate the sexual behavior of Those in His Kingdom the world is really in a mess! We are sure this person will get their wish, they will never enter into The Kingdom Of God. Somebody else will be stuck with them, if they survive. Here's Jesus' letter.

An Open Letter From The Lord Of Heaven
To The Political Parties Of Canada

Most Profound Greetings!

I wish to take this opportunity to let you know that I take the credit for the toppling of the Liberal Government of Paul Martin. It was my spiritual Agents that directed the living to expose the corruption of the Liberal Party and to drive them from power. My reason for doing this is because the Liberal government of Canada has sodomized God's children by allowing the ungodly marriage of man to man and woman to woman. I want the people of Canada to know that I will be supporting all efforts to defeat The Liberal Party and keep them out of office. I will especially be working for the defeat of any individual that voted for homosexual marriage. My goal is simple; to bring a government into Canada that will repeal the gay marriage law, and annul all marriages that have already taken place, a government that will pass a law declaring homosexuality a sickness and forbid its open practice anywhere in Canada.
As much of The Kingdom Of God's resources that can be spared for this purpose will be put into it. I ask the support of people throughout Canada in this effort. I ask people to spread my message to their brothers and sisters, to spread my message to the world. The Kingdom Of God does not accept homosexuality. The Kingdom Of God will never accept homosexuality. Any that claim that God supports it are committing blasphemy and will not enter into The Kingdom Of God!
To help you in your efforts my newest Apostle, John Lennon, has written a song that I would like you to use during the upcoming election campaign. It is below. (The audio and lyrics of this song are now online at Because of legal circumstances you will have to say that the song is from an anonymous person in The Kingdom Of God. But I would like the song used. My servants Demetrius and Alura known on earth as Speakers Gerald & Linda Polley stand ready to assist you in your efforts. If you were to come to them they would personally endow you with my power to help you fight against the creatures of Darkness that are destroying mankind by sodomizing God's children.
I wish all of Canada to know that God is with those fighting against The Liberal Government of Paul Martin, and in defeating him you are supporting God The Father and the survival of His children.

Yours In His Service
Now, And Forever,

Jesus Of Nazareth
Called The Christ

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