December 8, 2,005
Law And Order?

It's getting so you hate to turn on the television! Every one of your favorite shows are filled with homosexual and lesbian propaganda. December 6 we were watching "Law And Order: Special Victims Unit" on NBC. It was one of the most profound examples of homosexual and lesbian filth that we have ever seen. We were deeply upset by it. Jesus was enraged by it! And there are several points that He wants to make absolutely clear. First of all, if a child was being so abused by a fellow student in any school, private, or, public, the bully should have been dealt with immediately! There is no excuse for such brutality as was shown on this show. And the child's actions in her defense would've been totally justified, and no criminal proceedings against her should've been considered at all. It is true that other children should speak up and tell her that what her mother is doing is unacceptable, is evil, and that her mother and her companion will go to hell. There is no question of this, there is no doubt of it. When such a child is in a school the other children should not accept the evil of her parents, but such abuse as was portrayed on this show is never acceptable. The child is a victim. She is being sodomized by her mother and her girlfriend. She is as much a victim as all others around a homosexual and lesbian relationship and should be treated accordingly.
Secondly, this lesbian couple should've never put their child in a Catholic school! If they have rejected the teachings of Catholicism and are sodomizing themselves, destroying their souls, they have given up all rights for their child to have a Catholic education. It is not appropriate for them to force their sickness into a Catholic school. The authorities in a Catholic school have every right to say "No! You are living in sin, you are doing evil, we refuse to have your child in our school spreading your poison among other children.
Thirdly, all lawyers trying to get children away from homosexual and lesbian parents who are abusing them and destroying their souls are not sadistic monsters who use false information to try to get other family members to return this child to a normal environment. The portrayal of the lawyer in this show was unfair to every decent attorney who is trying to protect children from sodomy.
Fourthly, all psychiatrists that teach that homosexuality and lesbianism does damage to children that are exposed to it do not base their findings on false information, on corrupted data. They are not all crackpots who are rejected by all psychiatry groups. The reverse is true. Those psychiatrists that support homosexuality and lesbianism are the ones basing their studies on false information because they are all based on the false principle that homosexuality and lesbianism is acceptable, and does no harm. So their research is totally flawed from the very beginning. Psychiatrists who oppose homosexuality and lesbianism are respected by their peers as are many psychiatrists that support it. The divisions among those that oppose and support is virtually the same as in the general population.
In general everything that was put forward in this program was totally unacceptable to The Kingdom Of God. It was made for one purpose, to promote the homosexual and lesbian cause of letting those who are engaged in evil keep and raise their children. Those that made it are damned. Those who put it on the air are damned. It's that simple. When you do something that destroys children you pay the price. And anyone that portrays homosexuals and lesbians as caring, loving parents is destroying children, because homosexuals and lesbians care about nothing but their perverted lust, and their fondest desire is to have their children follow in their footsteps. Every girl that is raised by lesbian parents has trouble associating with men. Every boy that is raised by homosexual parents has trouble associating with women. This is simple common sense that anyone should be able to understand and anyone that doesn't is deeply disturbed! This ends Jesus' comments. We cannot disagree with them in any way! We ask everyone to write NBC and let them know that this program was inappropriate, completely inappropriate.

December 9, 2,005
A Miracle Waning

Have something to report today that is rather sad, but was inevitable. The energy coming in from The Kingdom Of God from "Jimmy Kimmel, Live!" has begun to drop off. Everybody knew it would happen sooner or later, and fortunately We have other sources that are replacing it, as the word of the miracle of John Lennon continues to grow. But it is sad to see the source begin to wane. Undoubtedly this power will continue to flow for a long time, and it has served The Kingdom Of God through Its darkest hour, and Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ blesses all those that kept it going for so long. It has been a tremendous part of the miracle that has been going on for the last few years. Without it mankind would have surely perished.
We wish so much we could make that miracle happen again, over and over, that there were other shows that we could appear on and spread the glory of the new Apostle Of Jesus Christ even more. But We cannot explain to people Our gratefulness for the miracle that began when the phone rang and a voice said "This is the producer for "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" Would you be interested in being on the Future Talent Showcase?" What happened from that point on can only be described as unbelievable. The Light returned to The Kingdom Of God, hope was renewed. The struggle is not won, but the power came to continue the battle. And without that power all would be lost. We send a personal message to Jimmy Kimmel and his staff from The Lord Of Heaven. "God bless and keep you all!" and those are our sentiments as well.

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