December 12, 2,005
George Has Been Politically Incorrect!

George Harrison has been a naughty boy! He's been very politically incorrect! The Canadians at the Beatles & Friends concerts have been begging him to do a song for the Canadian political campaign. One of George's numbers during the oldies section is "Dead Skunk In The Middle Of The Road." Well, to please his Canadian fans George modified it to "Dead Liberal In The Middle Of The Road." George takes no credit for this song. He only used Loudon Wainright III's lyrics and modified them to fit the circumstances. He was just having a bit of fun and pleasing his Canadian friends. Some people are going to be offended but Those in The Kingdom Of God don't much care! There's some people that need to be offended. We think what George is saying here is The Liberals are skunks. We can't argue with him on that! We simply can't publish the lyrics, they're just too much! We've written them down and were going to send them out, but we just couldn't do it! Maybe if we got permission from the song's originator some day we might let him do George's version. But Those in The Afterlife really love it.
Oh! Speaking of music, Linda learned something incredible! Several of her friends have told her that she's on their IPods, the rendition of "Listen To The Angels" with Moby on the "Kevin & Bean's Last Christmas" CD. It is still available some places. They obtained it and put it on their portable music players! Isn't technology wonderful? I don't think we're going to be recording George's version of this song, though. It's just a little bit too much for us!

December 13, 2,005
John Lennon's Christmas Gift

Well, a surprise special edition of "Voices From Spirit Magazine" is up! It's John Lennon's Christmas gift to the world for this year, one of his favorite stories that Gerald wrote, with illustrations by Linda, "The 3rd Platoon, Christ's Brigade". We had 20 copies printed up to send to some friends as John requested, at Staples. After Linda had addressed all the envelopes at the store to send the story in, and was writing the check for the copyright office the dark ones tried to knock her out! We must be doing something right for them to attempt such a direct attack. However she recovered quickly and the mailing was completed. Be sure to check this short story out! We hope you like it as much as John does. It can be found at;

(This magazine is temporarily off line. It will be replaced later.)

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