December 28, 2,005
Successes And Troubles

Having trouble with the new video system. For some reason when we record something it is dumping copies in three or four files throughout the computer and we can only complete a couple of projects before it jams the computer right up. Linda is trying to figure out how to prevent this, but it is very difficult. If this continues the system is simply going to be useless to us. Gerald thinks it is something the people that sold the web cam did deliberately to keep it from being used on other systems besides their own. Here's the address, below, to the video we managed to make with "Here's To The Warriors," Johann Sebastian Bach's tribute to American military forces serving around the world, especially in Afghanistan and Iraq. We hope everybody will help spread this video. Tell people about it at your local t.v. stations. Ask them to play it as a New Year's tribute to the troops.

John Lennon is delighted with Linda's effort! So is Bach! They say no one should call her an amateur any more. They consider her one of God's greatest talents, and wonder why she has no backing. Gerald is so angry that the idiot that ran Heaven's Gate lured away our two computer experts, the people that were supposed to work with us, and make us computer literate. He is so glad that idiot has gone bye-bye because if he still existed Gerald would make that existence hell in no uncertain terms, and he's more than capable of doing that!
Sometimes Gerald wishes his premonitions weren't that accurate. He thought there would be trouble with all the stuff the strange alien visitors had left, and sure enough, some members of The Galactic Community are up in arms saying that they don't have the funds to make the bids that richer societies are making, and that it isn't fair. This is causing quite a bit of anger about The Galactic Community. Jesus asked Gerald how he would handle the situation. Gerald said first of all he would break up some of the items. There's a 90 piece set of china. Gerald suggested breaking it into three units of 30. The same with the silverware. He suggests allowing the people to bid on only one vehicle. That would make many more items, the same with the weapons. He also suggests setting maximum bids, no more than five times the market value on any item. If more than one party wants to make the maximum bid, let a neutral party draw lots so that one of the parties could be the purchaser. Finally, Gerald suggested that no interest loans be made to those peoples who wanted to make bids but did not have the resources. These loans could be taken out of earth's funds kept in trust by The Galactic Community. Jesus said "Very good ideas! Let's implement them! And also, this. If this doesn't satisfy everybody, We'll simply take everything and dump it into the sun. That will solve the problem, completely!" Gerald agreed. That certainly would be a permanent solution to the problem! And he thinks it will give those in The Galactic Community an incentive to reach an agreement.
Still waiting for a response on some of the things we did this weekend. Trying some experiments to spread our power but do not know if they will work effectively. Oh! One other small thing. Jesus' announcement that He intended to send two of The Apostles out to the alien races as missionaries has caused some discourse in The Kingdom Of God. Some people are openly complaining that Jesus should not do this. They say The Apostles belong to the human race, not to some aliens, and that they should stay right here on earth. Open challenge to any of Jesus' desires is really rare, so it shows how deep these feelings are among the Residents of The Kingdom Of God. Jesus is not pleased. There is even some discussion among the people that eventually Jesus should bring Thomas back, and that John Lennon should be removed from his position, and The Apostle Paul return to it. Paul vigorously denounces anyone making this suggestion. He no longer wishes to serve, and he considers his replacement exceptional! We thought such discourse had disappeared, that people had learned their lesson. Unfortunately the desire for people to have their own way lies just under the surface, and there are a few that still want their own desires even over those of The Lord Of Heaven. We think this can be controlled, but We wish it wasn't there.


Calculating The Rate Of Exchange

What Jesus was suggesting above, sounds very fair but how could you possibly establish the value of these items? Wouldn't it be nearly impossible? Not really. The Galactic Community is on the gold exchange. Everything is valued according to the amount of gold that one note of the local currency can buy. So to find out what the value of something would be in Galactic notes, you would find out how much gold a dollar could buy, and then how much a Galactic note would buy. It works out that one dollar equals 1.05 Galactic notes. So let's take one item that the aliens left behind and figure out how much it would cost in Galactic notes.
There are three Cadillac Escalades that are valued at $60,000. So, 60,000 dollars X 1.05 = 63,000 Galactic notes. That amount times five, is 315,000 Galactic notes. That would be the maximum bid allowed on that vehicle. It would be easy to figure the value of any item using this exchange. Really, pretty simple. Some things seem very complicated, seem very difficult, but often times there is a logical formula that makes the situation manageable. You just have to know the rate of exchange and how it is calculated. We think The Galactic Community has come up with a pretty good system! Gold is a standard substance throughout the galaxy that is valued by virtually everyone. It is something that makes a rate of exchange easily calculable.

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