October 13, 2,006
Warm Welcome In Pakistan

Among all the confusion that has been going on we didn't get to mention that Anna Nicole Smith's son has come to the realization that he's no longer among the living. But he is not yet quite ready to move on because he does not want to give up his new companion, though she is encouraging him to allow one of The Angelic Messengers that appears now and again, to take him on to The Afterlife. He wants her to come with him, and cannot understand why she can't. Sometimes these situations get a little bit heavy, to say the least. But probably in a few days, the young man will realize that his befriender can't go where he is going and go on his way.
John Lennon is settling in in Pakistan. He has already had a major confrontation with one of the worst creatures of Darkness in the area and sent it packing! Unfortunately he didn't have a chance to finish it off. But it won't be around for quite a while. Something cute. Some friends in the material world had a little party for John on his birthday and one of them transmitted the proceedings into The Afterlife. John has been trying to get the time to watch it. His new Pakistani friends love it! It seemed to be the perfect thing to get acquainted with! No great performances, no expensive productions, just some nice people making some good music. You never know where something is going to end up!
Of course John Lennon is absolutely delighted that his killer was again refused parole! He wishes there was some way to stop these hearings and assure that this guy stays behind bars forever. People keep asking us "Isn't John ever going to forgive this man?" John's answer is absolute every time we ask. "Not a prayer! Try being murdered some time. It will really change your attitude about a lot of things!"
John Lennon gets a real kick out of Yoko Ono being made an unofficial ambassador for Liverpool! He remembers when she first arrived she didn't much care for the city. But after a while it grew on her. "No matter where you go," John says, "no matter how lavish the places you live in, there is always a special place in your heart for home, for the place where it all began." He guesses that's universal.
We just saw a disgusting commercial where a police officer was thinking about Arby's restaurant and totally unaware that a burglary was going on right in front of him. These commercials are a little much, really a little much! The producers might think they're cute, but they should realize they're sending a very bad message, a very, very bad message. No product is so good that people should neglect their duties for it! This is very bad advertising! It's sends a wrong message! The new fan fiction story based on "Walker, Texas Ranger" has been started on line! Here's the link. We hope you enjoy it!


Another back issue is up! More coming as fast as we can work on them.


We are looking for volunteers to make some illustrations for the stories that are already up. If anybody has some drawing ability and reads the stories and would like to send in some donations to be put up with them they're welcome.
PBS had a great documentary on Wednesday night called "Is God Green?" It showed several of the popular t.v. evangalists attacking environmentalists saying they wanted to shut down American companies and make them non competitive for the sake of false environmental teachings. Jesus declares these t.v. evangalists creatures of Darkness, things of profound evil because they will destroy God's creation to gain the support of the industrial complex so they can continue to teach their blasphemy. This is all because of the misguided belief that they can allow anything to happen to the world and Jesus will miraculously appear, destroy all who oppose Him, man, woman, and child, make the world new again, and give them rulership over it. The false teaching of the second coming. The only problem is, if the world is destroyed mankind will die and all the young souls in The Afterlife will die forever, Earth will become a wasteland, a lifeless ball of mud circling the sun. Mankind will be lost, forever. There will be no second coming, no rebirth of mankind. If the environmentalists aren't listened to, if something isn't done, mankind is lost forever! That's the truth! These false evangelists on television know it, but all they care about is how much money they're bringing in, and they will support whatever they think will financially benefit them the most. That is why they are doomed, forever. They are not righteous, they are not even religious, they are simply con artists producing t.v. shows to make money, and they are doomed!


Unheard Of Cooperation

We've been asked if this cooperation between spirits from different countries and different religions is common. Well, up until Jesus formed The Grand Alliance it was virtually unheard of. Everybody worked their own territories and didn't much wander out of them. This new procedure of using material agents to carry additional power from place to place and sending specialized shock teams to help in ongoing situations is completely new, but it is working really well! We have been able to transfer power into Iraq and other places quite easily, not as much as We would like, but a lot. If We could get the recognition of the material world and get them working with The Afterlife We could do a lot better, we could really blow the creatures of Darkness away, literally!

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