October 18, 2,006
President's Reading At You Tube

We've been busy this weekend! We've put up another video at You Tube with Linda reading President Bush's tarot card reading. Here's the link.

***These videos now only available on our web site at the links below.***


We've also put up "You Gotta Do The Kimmel Show!" at Yahoo. No visits yet.


Got to the library Monday trying to upload some of the files from our old computer to Yahoo briefcase so we could download them into our new one. As usual, Yahoo wasn't working and the mission was almost a total failure. The files uploaded but Yahoo put them in all kinds of different formats so only a few were readable. Yahoo offers so many services, but it is so sad that most of them don't work most of the time. So they aren't much good to anybody. It is no wonder the company is struggling to keep up with other web site hosts! Maybe if their services worked once and a while people would want to use them. However, Yahoo mail is usually dependable, though there's been times when we haven't been able to get into our account for a day or two. That particular service has done us very well for many years!
Someone asked us if the earthquake in Hawaii was caused by North Korea's nuclear test. We don't think that fizzled firecracker could've disturbed the continental plates that much! No, the Hawaiian region is overdue for some major volcanic activity and this earthquake was just a pre shock.
Well, The United States' first gay congressman died the other day. We won't mention his name, we do not praise evil. He got as far as the Gate and when he was told there was no place for him in Heaven because he had sodomized God's children he went off into the Darkness and suffered the second death. He couldn't deal with rejection very well. It so amazes us that these perverts actually believe that they are going to be welcomed in The Kingdom Of God when they have broken all of God's laws and have not repented. Not all of them suffer the second death, some of them suffer long periods of agony in the Darkness, then wander back into The Afterlife, accept female companionship, get themselves back in balance, are reborn, live a normal life, and actually, in time, amount to something. But it usually takes quite a while. They have to suffer a lot before they finally realize they're on the wrong track. It's a sad thing to watch, but there's nothing you can do to help them until they stop screaming "God! Leave us alone! Stop punishing us for being what we are!" It's a long time before they realize they're punishing themselves, God has got nothing to do with it, it's their own ignorance. God wants nothing more but for them to repent their evil then return to Him. It is so unbelievable that it takes some of them so long!
Oh, Muhammed wants something from President Bush. He wants Hussein sentenced to death and executed before the American elections. He wants the world shown that politics is not being played in this effort, but that justice is being done. Of course the liberal politicians don't want an execution before the elections, so it will never happen. But Muhammed's wishes should be obeyed. There will be no hope in Iraq until Hussein is gone, no armies in the world could stop what's going on there until he's dealt with. That's an absolute truth that cannot be escaped!
Linda did a tarot card reading for Madonna on the adoption of the child from Africa, which Gerald didn't think was a very good idea. But the cards seem to favor it. So maybe it will work out. We will have to wait and see. But the outcome does seem favorable.


Who Comes First?

Someone has asked "How are the leaders in different religious groups recognized in The Kingdom Of God? Who has seniority?" Well, in all ceremonies The Jewish People are the first recognized, then the early Christian churches, then The Islamic People, then The Catholics, The Protestants, and all the different denominations according to when they were founded. People attach themselves to different groups that may have had very little to do with the groups they were connected with in their lifetime. Sometimes they had past lives in another group and returned to that one after their deaths. Sometimes several members of a family in The Afterlife will belong to several different groups. But there is no disharmony! Everybody simply goes to their own temples on the sabbath and returns home. There's never any arguments about one philosophy being better than another. As a matter of fact, that is forbidden, which is actually a reason why some refuse to enter The Kingdom Of God and stay with the few members of their particular sect that do not recognize Jesus, that feel He has betrayed their particular denomination by not accepting them as the one and only. People can be very strange, sometimes!


The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.
( Eleanor Roosevelt )

If you treat people right they will treat you right - ninety percent of the time.
( Franklin D. Roosevelt )

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