October 25, 2,006
She'll Always Be An Angel

Got a comment that does not surprise us. It went "I have often believed that Jane Wyatt was an angel that had taken on human form. Can you tell me if this is true?" Unfortunately this dear lady, forseeing this question from many of her friends, has asked us not to comment, and of course we must respect her wishes. But it really does not matter if she was or not. All that matters is the abundant love that she left behind, and the many children that she blessed with her long efforts to give them a good life that never knew her. Whether she was one of The Hosts Of Heaven or not, to many she has always been, and, will always be an Angel!
Well, we got to the doctors and back Monday without incident. Got our flu shots, got Linda's glasses readjusted free. However, Gerald has to go back next Monday for surgery on his big toe. It's something to do with another ingrown nail. The doctor (Yet another new one!) will have to numb his toe and remove the offending ingrown part. He has antibioticts to take for ten days. He is scheduled for an eye exam next month. Fortunately his hernia is ok, and, his blood test came out all right. The doctor was a new younger lady. She was very nice! We got everything done at the clinic, went to lunch, then the second hand store. Linda got three black t shirts, and Gerald got one. Fortunately the weather was good, though it was only 19 degrees in the morning.
Muhammed is still insisting that we throw nothing away! Gerald has started doing some art work again. He's trying to at least do one new piece a day, sometimes two when he can squeeze them in. He dug out the colored pens that he was using back in 2,005 when he had his heart attack. Some of them were dried out and unusable and Gerald was going to throw them out. Muhammed said "No no! You mustn't! Get a nice piece of paper, write on it 'Jesus and I used this pen to produce art work when I was recovering from my heart attack in 2,005.' Sign them, and put them in bags with one of the pens." Well, as we always follow the wishes of Those we serve, Gerald has prepared nineteen such bags and numbered the pens. Nineteen more little treasures to give away!
Linda has two back issues of Voices up for 2,002! Here's the link to the new back issues list for that year!


The Leaders Of The Kingdom Of God, especially Muhammed, is trying to come up with something to hurt The Democrats with before the mid term elections. They especially want to take out those Democratic candidates that have a chance of winning seats in The Senate because They fear them greatly. If the Democrats get control of the government it will most likely be the end of mankind because The Democrats do not believe in opposing evil, but placating it, and they will doom all The Kingdom Of God's efforts in the world to save mankind. We can only wait and see if Those Who Serve The Light can come up with things to fight these foul creatures that will do anything for power, even mislead the people and forsake the innocent in their most desperate hour. We would love to get national attention on "Vote Republican!", some famous singer that supports Muhammed's cause to release it nationally. These are dark, dark times! The creatures of Darkness have a profound hold on the world. To break the grip of their evil is difficult.
There was another incident in The Afterlife! An Islamic cleric from Pakistan said that perhaps the best thing to do would be to negotiate with The Taliban and Al Quaida, that after all, they were Islamic brothers, and if some of their demands were met they might be reasonable. Again he was turned on by his followers and driven from Paradise. A few of his closest followers followed after him, angry that their people wouldn't let their religious leader speak his opinion. Again, We are having similar circumstances in The Islamic Sector of The Afterlife as We had in The Christian Sector when Jesus was betrayed. There are some that simply want to accept evil and placate it in the hopes that it will go away. Unfortunately these foul creatures aren't going away! The only hope of saving mankind is to destroy them. Some will not understand that, and that is a sad circumstance.


Demon Feast?

While listening to Dr. Jimmy Lowery Linda heard him mention that one of the worst demons that they knew of was inactive at its current location right now. Immediately Muhammed spoke up and said "That's true! That's one of the demons that we've gotten to work on The 700 Club." And Gerald asked "What?" and Muhammed explained that The Kingdom Of God has gotten the cooperation of the demons controlling The 700 Club and they are allowing other demons to come in and feed on its cast to work on destroying the organization. Many demons throughout the country have left their normal activities and are taking advantage of this unusual cooperation from other creatures of Darkness. This is very unusual behavior! But Jesus wanted us to let people know that run into an extremely bothersome demon that they can tell it about this offer and it may cause it to cease to be a problem where it is if it joins in the feeding on The 700 Club which will be far esier for it than what it would be doing locally. Again, we cannot emphasize enough how amazed We are by the cooperation that We are getting from the creatures of Darkness! Things like this are unheard of. Demons willingly letting other demons into their feeding grounds is something that simply doesn't happen! That it is happening shows how desperate the situation is, that the creatures of Darkness know they must cooperate or perish, is a sign that we're in serious trouble!

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