October 3, 2,006
Angel At Fatima No Aliens

One of Linda's favorite on line talk shows, "Feet To The Fire," had a guest on Sunday night, Alexandra Bruce, who has published a book called "Celestial Secrets: The Hidden History Of The Fatima Cover Up," claiming the so-called "Fatima" sighting, children seeing The Virgin Mary in 1917 , was actually the first close encounter case of the twentieth century. That the story the children told was made up by The Jesuits so people wouldn't know about the alien beings. Of course this is absolute crap! What the children saw was an Angelic Messenger from The Kingdom Of God that they took to be The Virgin Mary. That people put out this foolishness and make money on it absolutely appalls us! That people believe this stuff appalls us even more! And we can't get a publisher! The Kingdom Of God is just so saddened that people believe this stuff and turn from Them. Before anyone asks we know what happened at Fatima because Mary, The Mother Of The Nazarene told us, and we will believe what she says over anyone else!
Here's some comments we found on You Tube this morning, and, our answers.

Baldurjor- Actually who cares if the jewish criminal named Jesus was married or not. Is it going to effect the way you believe if he acted human in human form? Get over your delusions of self-rightousness, it's nauseating.

A- Jewish criminal named Jesus!!!!! You will go to hell!

Baldurjor- Drink the kool-aid, DRINK THE KOOL-AID!!!!

A- We do! And only caffien free Coke. We don't poison our bodies with chemicals to make us high. Obviously, though, you drink things a lot stronger and a lot more polluting and it has destroyed your soul.

It absolutely appalls us that all of these fools think we're drunks or on drugs or something. It's one of their favorite attacks. One of the creatures of Darkness' favorite attacks on those that speak the truth. It must be because they have pickled their own brains so much that they cannot relate to anything else. If they drink, if they're on drugs, everybody else is. What a sad world!
We have been asked "What are The Kingdom Of God's comments on the efforts to force out Rumsfeld?" Both Jesus and Muhammed feel that he could be extremely useful if The Bush Administration could be gotten to cooperate and give up their materialism, as could be Condaleeza Rice. Right now Muhammed would like to have Rice carrying his messages to Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait asking them to send military forces that speak English to Iran to serve under American officers and also police officers to assist The Iraqis until they can get more people in the field. This would be the first of an Islamic force that Muhammed would want to raise for the struggle. Now, wouldn't that help? Why would President Bush be against letting The Arab World know that Muhammed wants The Islamic People to help create a free democratic state in Iraq with a government that truly supports the people? Why is President Bush so afraid of acknowledging Muhammed's support. It makes no sense. Muhammed is the one person in existence that can give him victory! Yet he shuns his aid. And when Muhammed's people find out Bush is doing this it will hurt him and The United States terribly. And eventually they will find out! Can you imagine the cry throughout The Middle East; "The Prophet tried to help him, and he refused him! He is truly against Islam! He is against The Prophet!" Can you imagine what this will do to The United States' reputation among The Arab People? Sometimes great men do very stupid things.

Octtober 4, 2,006
Male Shooter Female Demon

Everybody is asking why in these two shooting incidences, now the one in the Amish school, did the shooter concentrate on female victims? The answer in both cases was that though the shooter was a male the demon controlling him was female and needed to feed on female victims. And the more terrorized, the more afraid those victims were when they died the easier it was for the creature of Darkness to feed on them. That is why these creatures are so sinister. To carry on their wretched existence they will kill the innocent, which, to them, have the most vital energy to sustain them. These are probably very old demons at the end of their life cycle that need horrendous amounts of life energy to sustain them. This is the price of evil, this is the price of the sodomizing of God's churches. There is a direct link. The creatures of Darkness are struggling to maintain control. They need energy. They have to feed! So they are causing these horrendous tragedies so they can continue their perverted existence. And as long as the public continues to spiral down into this negative lifestyle there will be more and more of these creatures that have to feed!
Someone has asked "Did The Kingdom Of God have anything to do with the Senator Foley scandal, a homosexual senator after young pages in Washington being exposed just before the elections?" Well, what do you think? The Kingdom Of God is fighting the homosexual movement, is trying to make the people aware of what is going on, of what these foul creatures are doing to their children, what the government's policy of acceptance is doing. Don't you think The Kingdom Of God would expose such a foul creature if It had the opportunity? Don't you think It would go after every senator that says "Oh, this lifestyle is all right! They're not harmful. They won't go after children. They just associate with consenting adults."? The Kingdom Of God will expose all this filth They can. Don't be surprised if more prominent people are exposed!

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