October 25, 2,005
A Fallen Soldier's Song

Gerald got a surprise while he was taking a shower Tuesday morning! A voice spoke to him and said "Excuse me, sir! I'm a fallen veteran from Iraq. I've written a song and Everybody in The Afterlife is crazy about it! It's about my mother's grief and her attacks on what I did. They asked me to give it to you, if you don't mind. Everybody in The Afterlife is singing it, but I don't really think it's all that good." "Go ahead!" Gerald answered. The soldier sang his song and Gerald said "Well, I can see why Everybody in The Afterlife is singing it! I'll release it immediately! Thank you!" "No, sir," the young soldier answered, "thank you for speaking for us. Don't let them destroy what we tried to do!" "I'll do my best," Gerald answered. Boy! When Gerald's powers kick back in for a little while they kick back in! Here's the song he was given. Wow, do we need somebody famous to sing this one!

By; An American Soldier Who Fell In Iraq
Channeled Through; Gerald A. Polley
All rights reserved.

1. Mother, why do you curse me? Why do you shame my name?
You hated I was a soldier, you wanted me to run away!
You said "Don't go to battle! It's not our cause to fight!"
Mother, why do you shame me, always, day and night?

2. Mother, why do you hate me because I did the thing so right,
Because I tried to help a people swallowed by the night?
Every day you speak against me, you say I wasn't right,
That I should've stayed and lived, and not gone out to fight.

3. Mother, why do you shame me and all who fell as well,
because you are so selfish living in your private hell?
You want to end the battle, you want us to run away!
You want everything we did to have been in vain.

4. Oh, Mother, how I miss you! But you have to know you're wrong,
The thing we did was honor, we tried to fight the wrong.
A little girl she held my hand, and said "I'm glad you came!
Now I can go to school! Now I'm not afraid!"

5. Mother can you tell me that in any way that's wrong,
When we help the helpless because we are the strong?
Mother, end your mourning, send your fears away,
Understand my honor, each and every day!


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