October 27, 2,006
Justices' Families Declare Dissolution

We read an article that said that Kurt Cobain had surpassed Elvis as the greatest money maker for a dead musical celebrity. Well, this is not surprising. His popularity is helping sustain The Kingdom Of God in The Afterlife. We are proud to announce that Kurt recently received his full nurse's certificate at the hospital where he works in The Afterlife, and at the rate he is going in a couple of years will probably be granted a full doctor's certificate! It is amazing his rapid recovery after his years of delirium. As we have said before this is considered to be one of John Lennon's miracles, that it was by his healing power that Kurt was restored. To go from patient to nurse so quickly is a phenomenal effort and must be praised. For no one can be cured in The Afterlife until they want to be cured, until they seek to do better. And Kurt is definitely doing better!
Speaking of rock stars in The Afterlife, Linda watched a video at You Tube the other night of John Lennon's youngest son Sean singing a song from his new album "Friendly Fire" on David Letterman's show in the end of September. John loved the video! He wishes so much that Sean would sing some of his new songs. Unfortunately Sean is under Yoko's spell so there's not much chance of that ever happening. You can see several videos from the DVD that comes with Sean's album at You Tube, and much more. Just type Sean Lennon in the site search engine.
Boy, we guess Jesus is really mad with these justices in New Jersey that voted for sodomy! He sent a message to Lord Peter saying "I want those in The Kingdom Of God to know that the families of those I have banished forever are in agreement with me in this matter. I ask Lord Peter, who is ruling Heaven in my stead until the harlot is removed from her throne, to call these families together and have them choose a spokesman, and have that spokesman say what is the desire of their families in this matter. Do they stand with me, or do they stand with their relative? I ask that each family declare dissolution with that person that has betrayed God."
So Lord Peter called the families together. They discussed among themselves and then Lord Peter called their representatives to The Hall Of Judgment and said to each, "You are the representative of the family of so and so who is currently a justice on The New Jersey Supreme Court who has voted to sodomize God's children?" The family representative answered "Yes, I am." Peter continued "Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ, who We recognize as Our Light And Salvation has asked that you support Him in His banishment of this individual from The Kingdom Of God, that you declare dissoulution from this individual. What say you as the representative of your family?"
Each representative answered thusly; "Sir, we stand with The Lord Of Heaven in this blasphemy, who is our Light and our Salvation. We do not know who this person is who claims to be of our flesh and of our blood. We declare dissolution with this individual. He is not of our house, he is not of our family. He is not of God. We ask that no Place be prepared for him in Christ's Kingdom, that he be kept out of It now, and, forever. For he, in his ignorance, has turned against God's perfection and sodomized His children. We will not welcome this person, we will not let this person abide with us! We declare dissolution from this individual now, and, forever! All of us of this family that dwell in Heaven by the blood of Christ, so declare this person is nothing to us. This person is a liar, an abomination. He is not of our flesh."
And Peter answered "Well and good! You stand with The Lord! My glory to you!" And so it was the family of every justice on The New Jersey Supreme Court ended all fellowship with said judges that voted for sodomy. These are sad times when The Lord Of Heaven must ask that Those who dwell in His Kingdom verify that They agree to His decision. Such things used to be unquestionable, but now there is no question these individuals will never be welcomed into The Kingdom Of God! Even their own have cast them out!
Linda has gotten another back issue of Voices on line from 2,002! Here's the link!


In this issue is a very important article telling people what to do for proof from Jesus that what we do is real. We hope everyone will check it out.



How Can They Be Asked?

"How," we are asked, "can families in The Afterlife be asked to forsake their own because they have done things disapproved of by the leaders of their particular Kingdom? Is this right to ask someone to do, to ask a mother to forsake her son, or a father to forsake their daughters because they have chosen a different lifestyle, were born a different way, have different feelings about things? Aren't the Leaders in The Afterlife cruel and sadistic to ask people to do such a thing?" Well, we would say no. If the Leader of your particular Kingdom says one of your relatives has broken the rules and is banished, that person's family should automatically separate themselves from that individual and declare that they have nothing to do with them until they make themselves right with God. This is what a true believer would do without question. Of course they would request that all possible be done to help their loved one, that they be cared for and saved if possible. But as long as they are outside of God's fellowship they would have to declare them outside their affection. No one can have two masters. They cannot serve God and serve their family. They must serve one or the other. There can be no compromise. If a family member says "I don't care about God, I'm going to do whatever I want to do!" those that believe can't have anything to do with that person any more. It's that simple!

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