Imagination's Place

By Gerald A. Polley

The Ancient One and his companions were extremely busy, but they descended into a dark and secluded area and waited. Two men walked by and headed into some bushes. Something followed them. It had once been human but it was barely recognizable! It shuffled along on twisted feet.
"Good Lords!" The Ancient One's male companion remarked, "Why can't the living smell these things?"
"Something I could never understand!" The Ancient One remarked. "We need to talk."
The demon turned and looked at him. "I'm busy!" it growled.
"It's gonna take them a few minutes to get warmed up," The Ancient One answered. "You've got time!"
The demon stared into the bushes then back at The Ancient One and growled "What do you want?"
"I want your primary," The Ancient One answered, "to speak up and tell the world what him and the good reverend have been doing."
"What?" the demon asked, "And ruin your little effort here to keep my children apart? Why would you risk all that?"
"Because the dear reverend," The Ancient One answered, "is threatening our Work other places that is more important. Sometimes we have to take chances of losing in one place to win in another. It won't hurt you at all! It'll probably make your primary so famous that others will come looking for his services."
"Will you stay away from the kids?" the demon growled.
"No!" The Ancient One answered. "There are limits to how far we will go."
"Well you've got to give me something," the demon growled again, "if I'm going to sacrifice that good little meal!"
The Ancient One extended his hand and pale energy flowed from it into the demon. The twisted body straightened. Hanging flesh pulled up. Though it was still scarred when The Ancient One's energy stopped, it was a rather attractive woman. The demon looked down, then back at The Ancient One.
"Damn you!" she muttered. "You know our every weakness! How can you say you're not manipulative?"
The Ancient One smiled. "Well?" he asked.
"All right!" the demon answered in a little more pleasant voice. "Now, leave me alone! Let me feast in peace."
The Ancient One and his companions headed off. "Why does it look like that?" his female companion asked.
"Because it feeds on the homosexuals' corrupted energy," The Ancient One answered. "It's a succubus. It draws most of its power from sexual energy. Without a female host to purify that power it's corrupted. It can sustain it, but it deforms it like that. The price they pay for their continued existence is high!"
"How did you fix her?" his male companion asked.
"I drew off her female energy," The Ancient One answered, looking to his female companion.
His male companion shook his head. "Sometimes I want to be sick!" he remarked. "Sometimes the things we have to do just appalls me!"
"You're not the only one!" The Ancient One answered.
They went about their other business. A couple of days later when The Ancient One checked the morning news there was a story in it. "Male prostitute admits leading evangelist has been paying him for sex and drugs once or twice a month for several years. Evangelist claims statements untrue but has resigned from his position. and his church board has removed him from any public speaking. This may be a major blow to this state's anti gay marriage campaign which the evangelist was leading."
The Ancient One smiled. "I've warned people about speaking against us," he remarked. "I've told them what would happen if they tried to stop our efforts!" He sat back and wondered who next? What weakness could they find next, what dirty little secret someone didn't want known? Sooner or later if he had an enemy he always found something! It might take him time but he always found something no matter how powerful they were, he brought them down. He was very good at what he did, very good!


When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer 'Present' or 'Not guilty.'
( Theodore Roosevelt )

One thing life has taught me: if you are interested, you never have to look for new interests. They come to you. When you are genuinely interested in one thing, it will always lead to something else.
( Eleanor Roosevelt )

As Americans, we go forward, in the service of our country, by the will of God.
( Franklin D. Roosevelt )

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