November 15, 2,006
Are You The Key?

Some good news to report! Gerald's eye exam went quite well. The doctor recommended he get some new reading glasses 2.25s instead of the 2.00 he's been using. Fortunately we were able to find some at the dollar store that would've cost nine or ten dollars elsewhere. The old ones have been retired to the goodie box, put in plastic bags with a note describing them, maybe to be given as a souvenier to some visitor in the future. One pair is the glasses Gerald is seen wearing in some of the You Tube videos. Gerald's black shoes, his favorites, which made at least one trip to Hollywood with us and maybe two, (we're not sure if he wore them on the Kimmel show or not! They're black and have silver streaks on the side. If anyone's got the videos and can spot them, let us know!) We'll be sticking them in the closet, maybe to set up our own display somewhere, some time. Now we need to raise the money so Linda can get her eye exam. It's way overdue and she's probably going to need new glasses, too. She's disappointed she hasn't had that much to add to the goodie box. But all in all, Monday was a good day!
Linda had a dream Monday morning that she was with Gerald by the elevator in a dimly lit big building. The elevator door opened, and on the floor of it there were four or five very large Christmas presents in boxes wrapped in gold paper with red and green holly berry designes on them Beside these to their left was a medium size t.v., an older model. Linda said in the dream, "Well, I guess someone's going to have a good birthday this year!" Suddenly a door opened to their right and some men in black suits came in. Linda said "We'd better get out of here!" then she and Gerald disappeared! We wonder if this means there's some good news ahead for Jesus? Oh well, let the headshrinkers will have fun with this one anyway!
The only new dream Gerald has had lately was about him being in a prison and the other guy in the cell with him keeps putting apples in his bed and he tells him he doesn't want him throwing them out. But Gerald keeps throwing them on the floor anyway, enraging the guy. Another one for the dream interpreters! Otherwise he just keeps dreaming about the stupid judge over and over, with slight changes in them but basically the same dream.
The Kingdom Of God continues to go through Its projects to find what It can temporarily set aside to put everything Its got into Iraq. Muhammed is still in hopes of getting Gerald there to execute Hussein so Hussein would not become a demon. Father Abraham even attempted to come and speak through Gerald, but the power levels were simply insufficient, and Muhammed feels his pleas are sufficient. We desperately need publicity on this effort! We need to make the people understand that if Hussein is simply executed he will become a creature of Darkness and even more dangerous than he is now. That is why it is so necessary for Gerald to deal with him, and we need to make the public understand that. A person's physical form is not the only way they can effect the world. Their spiritual form can be far more dangerous.
We've got some very negative comments about our reports that the soldiers who died in Iraq and Afghanistan have disowned their families that spoke out against the wars. We have been asked "Don't these families have free speech? Don't they have free will?" Absolutely! But they are also required to pay the price when they misuse it. These soldiers will not have their cause destroyed. They will not be like those valiant men that died in Viet Nam. The world must rally to Iraq! They must do what needs to be done there. It is a matter of survival for the human race! That the anti war people have kept "Here's To The Warriors!" off the radio shows how desperate the situation is. The anti war movement is destroying the world, and these families are leading it because of their greed. Those they are betraying have a right to say "We are against this! They're wrong! They should stand with our Commander In Chief and help these innocent people. It IS our fight, and we are proud to have died in it!" The anti war people do not like this, but its the truth, and we must speak the truth.
Again, Jesus asks us to warn everybody that we are associated with, The Kingdom Of God has control of every true psychic in The United States and most of the world. Any of them that deny us, any of them that are told about us and say that what we are saying is untrue, are fakes. They can be nothing else. Any true psychic would admit that what we are saying is true. They might say they do not like it, and perhaps that it would be better that we not say it, because it upsets the public, but they will acknowledge that everything we say is the truth. If they do not, they are not of The Kingdom Of God, they are creatures of evil and have no real power. It is that simple! There is no middle ground, no compromise. Jesus declares again, that we are the only ones that have His Angelic Messengers, The Holy Ghost. Every one that receives our messages is touched by Them and told to believe. Only when others acknowledge us and praise us, and tell people to believe in us do The Angelic Messengers work for them. Only those part of God's true network that is striving to save mankind have the power. Again, there is no middle ground. Anyone, in any position that denies us is a creature of Darkness, and against The Kingdom Of God. As it was in the days of old it is now. Jesus keeps hammering this message to those that believe because it is so important that they understand. Everybody prays they understand!

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