November 2, 2,006
P.W. Botha Bye Bye!

We forgot to mention in yesterday's email that the dark ones certainly did not want us to get to the doctor Moday! They made the day very unpleasant! It was supposed to be only overcast but we got a considerable snowstorm, wet snow, and Gerald found out his shoes aren't waterproof. But again, no matter what they throw at us we get done what needs to be done. Gerald's got quite a hole on the side of his toe but its getting better. He notices he feels a lot stronger since he's been taking the antibiodicts. Getting rid of this infection may be a prime effort in getting our powers to flow properly again. As John Lennon says in his song "We're not done yet! There's still a lot that we can do!" Gerald could not believe that the iodine to soak his toe costs $16.00! These things just eat away at your resources. But it's something that you've got to have. That toe must get better!
What a glorious Halloween gift! The Kingdom Of God finally destroyed one of Its worst enemies P.W. Botha, the former President of South Africa who was responsible for thousands of murders during aparthied and, torture, who never repented any of his acts, but said he was proven right by what is happening in South Africa today. It was feared he might become a demon, but only moments after death he succumbed to the second death without even entering The Afterlife. It is said he made some comment about he would not be judged by an imperfect God, and allowed himself to disintegrate. This is one victory The Kingdom Of God welcomes, one less creature of Darkness to worry about, one less focal point for evil's power. The rest of the Halloween celebrations were a complete success, and Everybody had a wondrous time!
Speaking of evil's power, is Muhammed enraged with the prime minister of Iraq for giving in to that radical cleric's demands, instead of fighting him! It looks like this guy isn't going to be around too long. If his people are smart they'll put him out and get somebody else before he throws away the chance they have for a decent country. Appeasing terrorists is not the thing to do. Muhammed is almost at the point of recommending to President Bush that he withdraw all American troops to Saudi Arabia and let Iraq fall into civil war. With leaders like this it might be what they deserve! But of course he will keep fighting the forces of Darkness, though the temptation is great!
We actually got a reply from one of the letters we sent to the local Islamic group, but it doesn't look like they're going to be of any help because they do not believe in Spirit communication, that The Prophet can talk through Gerald. How sad they will destroy their people because of their lack of faith! Boy, The Kingdom Of God can get The Democrats to put their foots in their mouths, can't they? Kerry's still just as stupid as he ever was! After his insult to The American Army hopefully The Democrats have lost some votes. Let's hope The Angelic Messengers can keep it up until the election, reverse these poll figures, and make it so no one wants The Democrats!
Here's the updated list of the top ten videos at our You Tube site. It was delayed slightly by the toe surgery. The good old Deposition and Hussein's Butt Song are still climbing thanks to our friends Kevin & Bean who have links to them on their site. It's good to see John Lennon's tribute to them is still going strong too, and Johann Sebastian Bach's song for the troops, "Here's To The Warriors!" finally made it to the list. If you haven't seen any of our videos yet, be sure to check them out at

***These videos now only available on our web site from the link below.***

1. Deposition On Behalf Of Father Righi 10,454 2. Hussein's Butt Song 8,258 3. Kevin & Bean 2,572 4. Kurt Cobain's "Come On, America!" 2,161 5. Jesus To Episcopalians And Presbyterians On Homosexuality 1,774 6. Demons Devouring Innocents For Homos 1,471 7. George Reeves On "Hollywoodland" 1,400 8. Cincinnati's So Much Fun! 931 9. Here's To The Warriors! 758 10. Warren Jeffs' Followers Doomed 719

You can also find the videos that were moved to our site and more, by visiting

Be sure to send us any comments or questions you have on them.
Gerald was having a weird dream Tuesday morning about three Democratic candidates shooting themselves, three being killed by their wives, and three being arrested on charges of child pornography, and the tabloids saying that we were responsible and should be stopped, calling us the Devil's children! There's one for the headshrinkers! Just wishful thinking by the subconsious.


Diplomatic Immunity

We have been asked "Doesn't The Kingdom Of God recognize diplomatic immunity in any way? Don't They understand the leader of a country cannot be held accountable, or they would not be able to govern? Every little thing they do can't be questioned! If they feel they have a right to defend their people they have a right to!" Well, yes! The Kingdom Of God does recognize diplomatic immunity to a certain extent. But They do not recognize murder, and, torture to keep a corrupt regime in power. No leader has a right to say "My race is superior, we have a right to rule, therefore we can kill anybody that opposes us and wants to rule their own country!" Apartheid was a sickness, it was an abomination. A small group of people thought themselves better than anybody else and terrorized everyone around them. The Kingdom Of God does not recognize this. This is not diplomatic immunity.

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