November 21, 2,006
Emergency Alert!

Emergency alert! Our entire site is gone at Go Daddy! It may take the staff as long as 72 hours before we can even get back onto the site and start rebuilding it. As Linda says, we must be doing something right! The dark ones are determined to stop us. We have all our material on hand and can send anything by email in an emergency. We will let people know what is going on as soon as possible. Our material at Tripod, Yahoo, and Angelfire is still available. Hopefully nobody gets to that! But Everybody in The Afterlife is completely enraged as Linda has spent months getting that site functional.

November 22, 06
The Mothers Join The Fight

The arrival of God The Mother in The Holiest Of All has already created some profound changes! Yesterday as Muhammed prepared for the daily battles in Iraq against the demons there, his wife appeared with thousands of female followers dressed in shorts and shirts like the men wear now, for battle. Muhammed asked her "What do you think you're doing?" and his wife answered, "God The Mother has told us to take arms and fight for our children, and that is what we intend to do! Do not impede me, husband!" Muhammed smiled and answered "You know in no circumstance would I do that!" As the battle ensued the demons who had been resurging lately, after the Democratic victory, literally got their butts kicked by the ladies! They tore into them with such veracity that the demons came to Muhammed under a flag of truce and complained that by law the women weren't supposed to fight. "By your law!" Muhammed answered, "Not by God's! If you can stop them, stop them! If you cannot, then they are doing God's will and I will not hinder them!"
To everyone's surprise when the daily battle was over in Iraq Muhammed's wife and her Forces did not stop. But They went into Syria and fought a vicious battle with the creatures of Darkness there, and then went into Iran and pounded the demons there who were taken completely unaware and in no way were ready for such an onslaught! They appeared to want to do more and were looking towards Saudi Arabia when Muhammed cried "Ladies, I would have you obey me now. You have proved your vigor today, and, your resolve. Let those who oppose you think about what God has unleashed. Let them come to fear you." The women all bowed, acknowledging Muhammed, and withdrew. Muhammed remarked "I'm not sure the world is ready. I know those poor creatures weren't!" The men around him nodded in agreement. All in all, God The Mother seems to have had a very good first day!
With the arrival of God The Mother in The Holiest Of All there are plans for a little bit bigger Thanksgiving celebration than usual. A special sabbath is planned to give special thanksgiving that the power of God has increased, now that The Holiest Of All contains both His aspects, both male and female. Someone has said "You're saying God has gone bisexual!" Well in a way we suppose that is true. God has openly acknowledged his female aspect. That cannot be denied!
God The Mother arriving seems to have been beneficial in another way. Gerald's powers seem to be resurging! We have a new energy source that seems to be extremely beneficial for Jesus! Right now Jesus and Muhammed seem to be able to exchange again without too much difficulty. Gerald has been drained in the last few months and couldn't switch back and forth readily when he wanted to work with different individuals. Jesus came through Monday morning and made a video in the style He liked and we put it up at You Tube. Hopefully we will be able to continue using this energy source and the quality of our Work will be much better! That and Gerald's improving physical condition seems to be a tremendous help! Here's the links to the video.

**This video now only available on our web site from the ink below.***

Some of the comments we have to remove are in a way kind of cute! If the people wouldn't use so much obscenity we might keep them up. A recent one said "This guy really ought to try to get on Dr. Phil's show! I really think he could help him with his problem." Of course he didn't say it quite so nicely. We'd definitely like to meet Dr. Phil some day. But we really don't think our philosophies would match, and we really have no problems that he could help with. What other people call problems, we just call natural behavior. But from what we can see, Dr. Phil honestly tries to help people, and that we respect.
Here's another example how The Lords provide! Gerald was thinking of buying an exercise bike. We were leaving for the library Monday and lo and behold, what was in the neighbor's exercise bike! Gerald stuck it in the apartment and after we got back from the library he inspected it. It seems to work just fine! He's going to start trying it out a few minutes a night to see if it will tighten up some of the old leg muscles and burn off a few calories. Now, if we could only find a mainframe computer in the trash!

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