November 25, 06
Gerald's Most Feared Title

Wow! The Afterlife did pretty good this year at the music awards! On 50% of the categories They were in agreement with the living! Highly unusual! The majority of times the living and the dead don't seem to agree much on these things. But nobody in The Afterlife can believe that The Pussycat Dolls didn't get anything! Like We have said, they're the hottest thing going over There. It really perplexes people in The Afterworld that they didn't win anything.
One of our friends sent this question for "Here's Jesus!" but Jesus prefers to answer it here in our emails. The question is "Nazarene, I understand that Speaker Gerald Polley who is called Demetrius in The Kingdom Of God has many titles. What is his most powerful title, what is his most feared one?" Jesus' answer is this. "Dear one, Demetrius' most powerful title by any means of judgment, is Advocate For The Children Of The Lords In The Hall Of Judgement Of The Kingdom Of God. That is by far, his most feared position, the one that makes mankind tremble the most! For when Lord Peter says "Is there anyone here that knows of any reason why this person should not enter into The Kingdom Of God?" and Demetrius answers "Yes, I do!" the person standing in Judgement knows that by those words they are doomed forever, that they are about to receive eternal death. Those are the words that every sinner, every doer of evil fears the most, for they know if they are uttered they are doomed. That, dear one, is Demetrius' most powerful title. Though the other ones he bears are great, this one is the one that is most feared, that makes the living tremble the most."
If all goes well just as soon as we have enough light Jesus will be producing a video Friday morning on his relationship with Muhammed and Gerald's relationship with Muhammed. Always powerful subjects! But we do not have time to wait before getting this email out this morning, so we will have time to work on this project. But look for it at You Tube!
We used to listen to several talk shows on the internet that had lawyers, radio stations here and there that featured a lawyer once or twice a week. We would appreciate it if those stations ask the question if it is legal for a person to apply for the position of executioner. We are getting constant complaints that it is illegal for anyone to desire to be an executioner, and that they are going to shut us down legally because Gerald is seeking this position! We do not believe such a thing is possible, but knowing how twisted human law is, we worry. If you have a lawyer on any of your shows ask him this question. "Speaker Gerald Polley is trying to contact the authorities in Iraq and volunteer to be Hussein's executioner. Is this legal? Can a person volunteer for such a job? People are telling him it's a hate crime and he can be prosecuted." We would really like a lawyers opinion on this.
Again and again we are asked if the carnage in Iraq could have been prevented. Well, there would have been some, there's no question of that, but if The American Troops had immediately seized those causing trouble when they went in, especially the extreme clerics and their malitia leaders, and all of those involved with atrocities, if they had been quickly tried and punished, the situation that now exists would not be as bad. You cannot placate evil! You cannot leave evil in its place and expect to defeat it! This is the mistake that the good always make. The same mistake was made in Afghanistan when they let the Taliban leaders escape to placate the Pakistanis. Now they are a danger to everyone, including The Pakistanis! The greatest weakness the world governments have, is they do not want to punish governmental leaders who have done evil. This may well destroy mankind!


Self Incrimination

We are asked "Doesn't The Kingdom Of God have any respect for American law whatsoever? Again and again we hear you saying that The Kingdom Of God requires people to incriminate themselves, that they tell people either write down your experiences in The Book Of Life, or be banished. How can this be? How can The Kingdom Of God deny peoples' rights?" Because The Kingdom Of God believes in The Law Of God, which says "Do not bear false witness." If a person will not tell the truth, if they will not tell everything they have done, they are bearing false witness, and are not elegible for The Kingdom Of God. If they have made mistakes they can repent those mistakes. But if they will not give a full accounting of themselves, they are not truthful. It's that simple. The Kingdom Of God does not believe in releasing a guilty person because of a clerical error, or because someone forgot to advise them of their rights. They are advised of their rights all through their lives. The Law Of God is repeated to them over and over again. If they reject it they have to pay the price. They are given an opportunity, some say an opportunity that they do not deserve, to be forgiven. But if they will not be truthful, if they will not help The Kingdom Of God fight evil, if they try to hide their wrongs, they forfeit that right, and The Kingdom Of God considers that just!


Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation, for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company.
( George Washington )

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