November 29, 2,006
Dick Clark Attacking Jesus!

We are asking everybody that we can reach to call"Jimmy Kimmel, Live!" and ask them if they are aware that Dick Clark has taken down the song praising Jimmy, that it is not right and they are angry about it. Any assistance in this effort would be greatly appreciated.

Yours In The Eternal Love Of God,

Jesus Of Nazreth, Called The Christ

Here's a real winner! Our video, "Jimmy At The Music Awards!" at You Tube that has received 1,179 visits was removed by Dick Clark Productions, they say because it was an infringement on their copyright. Apparently no one else can talk about the awards show without their consent. Well, The Kingdom Of God now has another enemy. You can be assured if Dick Clark ever calls and says "We'd like to do something with you!" he will receive a very loud "NO!" This is just so ridiculous! Apparently good old Dick doesn't believe in free speech. After all, he supported Hussein and believes he should've stayed in power. As we say, it's a sad world! We were planning on taking down the video at You Tube anyway, but we didn't like taking down the one on our site. We're definitely not going to get in a copyright battle with losers like this! They've got millions and no morals.
Some will wonder at the title of this email. They will say "But Dick Clark is attacking you, he's not attacking Jesus!" Jesus, however, declares that any attack on us is a direct attack on Him, and any attack on Jimmy Kimmel is a direct attack on Him, because we are His friends and, His servants. So by attacking this video that praises Jimmy Kimmel, Dick Clark is directly attacking Jesus and His efforts to save mankind. Some would argue this, but this is what The Lord Of Heaven says, and what He says is absolute! "Any that attack mine attack me! No question, no doubt, they are my enemies!" So that is that!
Gerald had a different dream Monday morning. He dreamed he was someplace and it was being invaded by giant red bears, bigger than any real bear, that looked like kodiacs, and they're big enough, twelve to fourteen feet! But the people fighting them just didn't seem to have a clue. They had plenty of weapons and everything but they were always giving the bears opportunities to attack them, until Gerald organized them and started killing them. Hmmm! Didn't they used to portray The Russians as red bears?
Here's what Jesus prepared for our lunch Monday. One 15 ounce can of red beans mashed with a fork. One 6 oz. can of tuna. 2 sticks of celery chopped fine. One medium carrot, coarsely grated. One generous tablespoon of mayonnaise, served on half a taco shell. We think we could begin to call The Nazarene a cook!
Here's the addresses for our latest Videos at You Tube, "Here's Jesus! These Colors Won't Run!" Hopefully no one will claim they're a copyright violation and have them shut down. Some people just don't like free speech!

We worked most of the day Monday getting the next magazine ready. There were a lot of open spaces and we had to do quite a few filler articles. We hope we haven't been too repetitious. But the Dick Clark thing has upset Everybody and the vibes weren't rolling very well. Just Everybody is furious because They do not believe our video was in any way a violation of their copyright! Other people have a right to talk about the music awards, and that's all our song was doing. We used to be admirers of Dick Clark, but not any more! We'll give a list of the articles when we put up the new magazine.


We Have To Say It Again, We're NOT Heaven's Gate!

We constantly get complaints that we're like Heaven's Gate, and that people are afraid we're going to start telling people to kill themselves. Nothing could be further from the truth! We never suggest suicide. Oh, perhaps in some very rare cases when someone had some incurable disease and was suffering greatly, we would tell them that The Kingdom Of God does not require that they suffer and that they have every right to peacefully leave this world. But we would never even suggest that people kill themselves in any other situation. Suicide is a waste of time! The leader of Heaven's Gate taught that the aliens were going to come in a space ship and take them away. We teach that The Awakening will come, Our People will gather together, build their own space ships, and leave Earth, probably colonizing the planets in the solar system before heading off into the stars. What we teach is totally different from what the idiot taught that ran Heaven's Gate! There is no comparison, whatsoever! We constantly attack anyone that says "The aliens are coming to solve our problems!" We teach clearly and distinctly that we have to solve our own problems. We find any comparison of our Work to Heaven's Gate very offensive! We teach service to mankind, we do not teach running away from our responsibilities. Sadly, two of our friends didn't listen to us and died in that insanity. What we could have accomplished if they had been with us!


So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable creature, since it enables one to find or make a reason for everything one has a mind to do.
( Benjamin Franklin )

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