January 13, 2,006
Jesus' Commercial

Jesus very upset that Israel ended relations with Pat Robertson because he spoke the truth about Sharon's stroke, that it was God's punishment for Sharon's betrayal of his people. They are treating Robertson just like they treated The Prophets Of Old, who told them what they didn't want to hear. "Don't tell us our rulers are disobeying God! Don't tell us they're not doing what they're supposed to do, that God will punish us. We don't want to hear that!" Sharon betrayed Israel. The Israelis know that as well as everybody else. They think they can get away with it. They think they can give in to terror and get peace by disobeying God. It's not going to work! It didn't work in Biblical times, it won't work today! And punishing Pat because he speaks the truth isn't going to help them at all.
Jesus and Linda have been at it again! Gerald woke up in the shower with Jesus telling him "It's ready!" as He was leaving, and Gerald wondering what He was talking about. When he got out he asked Linda what they had been doing and she played a commercial Jesus had made for The Israeli Elections! It is indescribable! The Lord Of Heaven has done phenomenally! Gerald is getting really irritated that Jesus can use the recording equipment better than he can! He never knows what he's gong to find when he wakes up, what Jesus has been up to. But he has seen professionally made commercials on t.v., political spots that aren't as good as this one, and you can feel Jesus' power as He speaks. Jesus is looking for sponsors to get this commercial on Israeli television, to have His say before the upcoming elections. He wouldn't mind getting it on American t.v., either to raise His brothers and sisters in America. Check it out! Pass it around! If you know local t.v. people tell them about it. Help Jesus reach His people. He asks nothing more than to be able to speak his opinion, to have people hear Him. The decision is theirs, but The Lord Of Heaven feels He has a right to be heard, doesn't He?

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January 14, 2,006
More Collateral Damage

May have found more collateral damage from the recent attack on Gerald. The day he was attacked one of the most formidable anti semitics in The United States, Eustace Mullins, disappeared. He never showed up for a scheduled interview. Eustace Mullins who preaches that The Zionists are secretly ruling the world is considered one of The Kingdom Of God's greatest enemies. That he has gone missing the same day that Gerald was attacked psychically, raises a lot of interesting questions. It would explain some things that are now happening. We would not be surprised to find that other enemies of The Kingdom Of God also suffered misfortunes that day. We are continuing to monitor the news. But this is definitely a profound enemy of The Kingdom Of God way back to his work with the infamous Senator McCarthy.


By Linda J. Polley

THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW From 20th Century Fox. DVD. If you love good old action, suspense and adventure, this is the movie for you! The plot idea is simple...you don't take care of mother earth, she won't take care of you. It'll have you on the edge of your seat. Well worth the price with lots of great special features and fantastic special effects! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
THE PERFECT STORM From Warner Brothers Pictures. DVD. Starring George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg. Based on a true story this movie tells of dedicated fishermen and their families on the east coast of The U.S.A. in recent years. Brave men all! Excellent special effects too. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
CATS & DOGS THINGS ARE GONNA GET HAIRY! From Warner Brothers Family Entertainment DVD Great fun and adventure for all ages. Dog secret agents trying to save the world from being taken over by evil cats! You gotta love it! Cool special effects too. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!


I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law. ( Martin Luther King Jr. )

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