January 6, 2,006
That's Gotta Hurt !

Gerald was attacked psychically, yesterday. We have been expecting it for some time, because associates have been reporting that creatures of Darkness have been penetrating their defenses. We were pretty sure this was an attempt to disrupt our power supplies, a good indication that someone plans to make an assault against you. Sure enough, yesterday afternoon such an assault came. It is so stupid for people involved with the Darkness to try this! It is virtual suicide! The power sent against us is simply turned around, amplified a hundred times, and sent back along the channels that were used to attack us. The result on the other end is usually lethal.
There are several ways the focal point of the energy can perish. Firstly, their entire nervous system can be devastated, their body can no longer send the signals to the heart to keep the heart beating. The heart stops functioning and the person dies. Not a very pleasant way to leave this world! If that doesn't happen, this sudden jolt of energy causes the heart to contract with incredible force, bursting blood vessels throughout the body, and the person bleeds to death internally, oftentimes in the brain. If the person's extremely unlucky they enter into a vegetative state. They cannot eat or drink, they slowly starve to death. Of course with modern medical technology the body can be kept alive for quite a while. But there would be no soul in the body. The soul will have been completely destroyed.
Whenever we are attacked we immediately start monitoring the news to see if anyone of note that has a considerable following has suffered any of these symptoms. If we find somebody an Agent is immediately sent to see if they are carrying Gerald's signature. Each Bearer Of The Light has a different energy frequency. If they attack someone that signature is imbedded on the person, and is present for several days. It leaves a permanent mark that can be recognized in The Afterlife.
It did not take much searching. The person that the forces of Darkness were using as a focal point of this attack was quickly found. The Forces Of Light were amazed that he was still breathing, and wonder how long that will continue. That he has survived shows that he is a person of incredible will. No matter how stupid to stand against The Forces Of The Kingdom Of God, his strength is admirable. But it is not enough to defeat The Forces Of The Kingdom Of God. It is only a matter of time before The Kingdom Of God's power finishes Its Work. The living may delay the inevitable, but that's all they can do is delay it, that is all they can do.
We are aware there is something going on. Jesus is insistent that we get a lot of work done, have quite a bit ahead so if necessary we can put it up and have it available for people while we are doing something else. We have no idea what, we will simply have to wait and see! But it is obvious the forces of Darkness are afraid! They are very fearful. They are taking desperate acts using their most valued agents trying desperately to slow us down, to stop us. Something is happening somewhere! Something is happening that they don't like. Let us pray whatever The Lord Of Heaven is working on that it is successful.

Spreading Chaos
By Speaker Gerald Polley

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