January 9, 2,006

A Deposition To Judge Gaetano Mautone
On Behalf Of Father Righi

Most Profound Greetings!

I am Speaker Gerald Polley, an internationally known psychic working out of Bismarck, North Dakota, United States Of America. We have heard of the trial going on involving Father Righi, and that he is being accused of fraud because he says that Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ existed. I wish to speak at this time, on behalf of the good Father. I have lived many lifetimes, had many forms. One of those forms was a Roman in what is commonly called New Testament Times. I was called Demetrius, Son Of Desavius. I was an officer in the legions of Rome. While stationed in the province known as Palestine I took leave from my unit for a period of approximately three years, sought out a Hebrew Prophet by the name of Jesus Of Nazareth, and traveled with Him throughout His period of teaching from the time that He was baptized by The Prophet John in the river Jordan, until His ascension in Jerusalem, at which time I returned to Rome, departing from His fellowship.
I personally, bared witness to many of Jesus' miracles. I saw Him make the lame walk, the blind see, and the deaf hear. I was present at His crucifixion and saw all the phenomena about it reported in The Scriptures. I was present at His resurrection. I can bear personal witness that Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ, existed. And I can bear personal witness that He did all the things said of Him in The Scriptures, that actually He did more than has been recorded in The Scriptures. These ludicrous charges against the good Father are totally unfounded. He is perfectly justified in saying that Jesus Of Nazareth existed, and he is perfectly justified in telling of the miracles that Jesus performed. The charges against him are totally unfounded. The Lord Of Heaven supports him, and has asked me to give this deposition on His behalf, bearing witness to His existence. We hope it will be of benefit to you in making a decision on this matter. God be with you always.

Given on January 7, 2,006 Bismarck, North Dakota
Speaker Gerald Polley

Above is a deposition that we have prepared for the judge hearing the case against Father Righi in Italy. We sent the deposition to several papers in Italy this weekend asking them if they could give us the address of the good Father's attorney so we could send a hard copy. Jesus wanted Gerald to do a video deposition, but we did not know exactly how such a thing should be worded. If you know an attorney interested in this matter, that could give us an idea of how to lay out such a deposition on a video, we still might give it a try! If anyone wishes to copy this deposition, get the good judge's address, and send it to him saying you believe what Gerald says is true, that might also be of benefit. We have two witnesses on the hard copy we are preparing to send. But the more people that witness this deposition saying they believe in it the more influence it might have on a judge. Jesus would like to get a hundred thousand letters going to the court, a hundred thousand people saying "We believe Jesus existed, and there are others that believe He existed!"
That's about it for today! The "Here's Jesus!" videos are rolling right along! In upcoming weeks Jesus will be commenting on what Pat Robertson said about Sharon, and many other things! It just seems to get better and better. If we could only find some t.v. station to play them Sunday morning or, Sunday afternoon!
Here's the link to the first one. Linda and Jesus have been having a lot of fun, but they've covered some serious stuff, too!


Here's the link to the main page. Pass the link around! Let others see it!


By; Linda J. Polley

SHADOWS IN THE SUN TRAVELS TO LANDSCAPES OF SPIRIT AND DESIRE By Wade Davis From Broadway Books, A Division Of Random House, www.broadwaybooks.com ISBN #0-7679-0402-8 292 pages, paperback. $13.00.
If you like National Geographic, Nova, and things of that nature, you'll love this book. Wade Davis, scientist, anthropologist, and writer has traveled the globe studying different cultures and religious beliefs. He has compiled all these adventures in great detail which reads like the narration to a National Geographic special, you can easily use your imagination to journey with him. Meet interesting people, visit fascinating places in this intriguing compilation of excitement and adventure! Contains a bit of bad language but nothing that shocking. You may not agree with everything in the book but it's all worth reading. Stretch your horizons and understanding. Like they say it all begins when you open a book! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

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