January 10, 2,006
Jesus Getting Stronger John Getting Weaker

Several friends have sent us a press release from Lou Gentile saying that he intends to submit EVP recordings to the James The Amazing Randi One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge in hopes of proving that this phenomena is real. We certainly wish Lou luck! We would like nothing better than to have someone submit legitimate phenomena that can be proven. But Jesus wanted us to remind the public of one little thing. Right now no spirit will make any communication without acknowledging what is going on between The Afterlife and the material world. The Kingdom Of God and The United States is at war over what The United States is doing in Israel. Any source that says this is not so, that denies any information that we put out, has to be fake. It can be nothing else. Every true spiritual phenomena coming through at this time will acknowledge what we are saying. Any claiming that they are receiving information contrary to what we are saying have to be fakes. It's that simple, it's that uncomplicated. Right now we control every source coming out of The Afterlife. Some workers are refusing to hear, will not tell people what they are hearing, but they all know the truth. The Afterlife is trying to create a united front to save mankind. Jesus certainly hopes that Lou has legitimate phenomena, and that he can prove to many that The Afterlife exists. Jesus still says that some day Lou will realize his mistake, know that we are servants of God, and work joyously with us. We never doubt what The Lord Of Heaven says, we only wait for it to happen.
On another note, it looks like The Kingdom Of God has removed Sharon from the political scene in Israel. The question Everybody is asking is who's next? We are aware The Kingdom Of God has sent some messages to some of those opposing It this weekend in an attempt to make them understand that they should stop opposing It, and to accept what The Kingdom Of God wants, no matter how unpleasant it may be for them. Monitoring the news we detected a couple of those messages. The people don't seem to be listening. The Kingdom Of God's messages may have to become stronger. Sharon has shown how long the powerful can stand against Them. No one should want to be Their enemy.
There is worry that The Kingdom Of God may be losing control of Egypt, that They may not be able to establish the state of Palestine in The Sinai. It may have to be moved some place else. They are looking for possibilities, but it is hoped They can straighten the situation out and continue with Father Abraham's Plan. Again, we can only wait and see. Everybody that has gotten the "Here's Jesus!" in its new format loves it! Their praise doesn't stop! They want desperately for us to get it on t.v. somewhere. Everybody that downloads it says it's magical. If you know of anybody in your area that operates a t.v. station give them the link. Tell them they have an opportunity to be on the ground floor of something incredible. Here's the link to this week's episode.


Jesus has had us prepare enough episodes for a month. Things have been rather quiet for the last week or so but He expects to be very busy in upcoming weeks and might not be able to get back for recording. But we will accept video questions from local t.v. stations to be incorporated into future "Here's Jesus!" free of charge. All that we ask is that if they show them they let people know they were given free and any donations would be appreciated to help with our Work. Jesus wants so much to have us get a bigger place so we can set up a room as a studio, and do the recordings there, instead of our living room which is being used for too many things!
Gerald went to the hospital yesterday, good check up. Picked up medication from prescription assistance. $440 worth of stuff for $20.00! We would simply not be able to get by without that program! It is not only a blessing to us, but to every other person that needs it, and we hope it is being established across the country. Jesus personally wishes to bless everyone involved in it.
One bad note. We're losing contact with John Lennon and George Harrison. We can barely pick them up. We believe it is because they want us to put our full energies into "Here's Jesus!" We are quite sure we will be getting more music from John, and others in The Afterlife. But losing contact with them is disturbing. However they are still doing incredible stuff. Jesus will be speaking of it in upcoming episodes. But John and George are trying to reach people they knew in their lifetimes to tell them of us and get them to come to us. Let us hope they succeed. Guess that's all for today!


Methanol Based Economy

Was having a discussion the other day about methanol with an associate. They said they did not believe that we could switch to a methanol based economy, that we just could not produce enough fuel to supply our own needs and still produce enough crops to sustain ourselves and for exports. No planet could do that. Well, the truth be known, there was a planet that did that! The Ancient Hashons had no fossile fuels. Their entire economy was methanol based. They produced fuel for Their automobiles and planes and heating fuel for Their homes from plants, a lot of it from waste products, leftovers from food production that were fermented and made into fuel. But a great deal of Their fuel was created from gasafying wood using solar heat as the basic energy source. They produced a gas that was distributed to homes for cooking and heating, They produced a fuel for vehicles, and charcoal for power plants. This combined with alcohol produced by distilling processes gave Them all the fuels They needed.

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