February 1, 2,006
A Splinter Is Born

Coretta Scott King joyously welcomed to The Afterlife. As soon as she was well aware of what was going on the best welcome that anybody could think of for her was done. She was given a Beatles & Friends concert! Everything went very well. But at the end of the concert Mrs. King came to the edge of the stage with her husband and raised her hands. "Of course you all know who I really am," she announced. "I would like to stay for a while, but I must return to the battle. There is so much to be done. There is a woman who will give birth in four months in France. I must go there. But I will leave this part of me behind." A glow appeared around Mrs. King. It separated from her and Joan Of Arc stood there. "I will return from time to time," Joan remarked, "to recharge you until you are able to sustain yourself without me. You deserve to be yourself. You did a most excellent job. I was only a part of you." "I will miss that part of me," Mrs. King answered. "Go get 'em, sister!" "I will," Joan answered, "I will!" The crowd roared as she sailed away.
It is very rare that famous people splinter off fragments of their existence in public, but We suppose Joan knew Everybody was aware of the truth. So there was no need for secrecy. But to perform such a phenomena so easily in public shows a soul of exceptional power, shows a soul of incredible power! And that Joan is coming right back to get into the fight again is phenomenal! She sent us a message. "I won't wait 18 or 20 years to be of help to you. Give me 12 or 13 and I'll be teaching in France. The Truth shall rise!" We certainly hope she's right. We need all the help we can get!

February 2, 2,006
Israel And Jesus Crying

Jesus in tears watching Israeli troops beating Israeli citizens and removing them from the land that God has given them. It brought back memories to him of Jewish police beating their brothers and sisters and forcing them into the cattle cars that would take them to the gas chambers. Jesus declares without question, that these soldiers are collaborators, traitors, and none of them will enter into The Kingdom Of God. The only way that one of these soldiers can save themselves, is to denounce what they have done and support their people's right to hold their land. Any soldier that does not refuse an order to attack his people will not enter into The Kingdom Of God. That is the only alternative they have. Rather they go to prison, or even if they are shot, if they attack their own people, if they remove them from their land, they are lost forever. There is no hope for them. They must refuse the orders to attack their brothers and sisters. They must defend their land. Anything else will send them to eternal death. There is no middle ground, there is no hope otherwise. It is refuse to do evil, or die forever. They know God's teachings. Jesus prays to God The Father that these soldiers repent. He does not want to lose His brothers and sisters. But if they continue their present actions He can do nothing but condemn them, and cast them out. For this is God's command.

February 6, 2,006
The Holiest Of All Coming To Los Angeles

The next few days are going to be extremely good for spiritual phenomena in the Los Angeles area. The Holiest Of All is moving into position to draw energy from the psychokinetic pool stored there, as It does every fifty years or so. The day it will be directly over the area will be the 13th. But the week before, and, the week after are also very good times. The Kingdom Of God will be doing all in Its power to use this phenomena at this time.
It used to be the path of The Holiest Of All, as It moved around the Earth was very predictable. But now Its course is chaotic. It is believed It will next move towards Mexico City, but power is fluctuating there, and it may be drawn back east for a time, before making Its descent into Mexico. If only the people of Earth actually believed as much as they profess they believe, things would be so much better!
On another note, Jesus is concerned about the incident at the gay bar in Massachusetts involving the young man who later killed a police officer and his female companion before being mortally wounded himself. Jesus wishes us to state categorically, that He does not approve of violence against homosexuals in general.
Those in The Afterlife came pretty close this year! They were predicting that The Steelers would win by 7 points, and they won by 11! Close! It was a good game, however. The losers can be proud of the effort they put forth. Everyone that follows the sport in The Afterlife was very, very pleased!
Muhammed very upset about this controversy going on about a Dutch cartoonist's depiction of him. We understand it is quite unflattering, but still Muhammed says it is not an excuse to destroy the property of others. The one responsible for the act and the publication that permitted it should be held to the task.
It has come to our attention that there is a quantum date coming up 6 month, 6 day 2,006. We have already received reports that there are people spreading stories that great disasters are going to happen that day, that it is a time of great satanic activity. These fears are untrue, and people should not spread them. Nothing out of the ordinary is expected that day at all, and people should not spread these stories of impending disaster just because a date has three sixes in it. This is ridiculous!

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