March 8, 2,006
Dangerous Power To South Dakota

Jesus' disappointment with the governor of South Dakota is profound. He really thought there was a chance of reaching him and those around him and stopping his attack on abortion. But that effort failed, and this man and all around him are doomed to eternal death. They listened to the creatures of Darkness that would destroy mankind because mankind would no longer follow them instead of The Lord Of Heaven. Now, for them, there is no turning back. They have chosen eternal death, and they will plunge headlong into it.
The Kingdom Of God has a great dilemma in this situation. They need to reach out to the pro choice people in South Dakota and around The United States. They need to empower them. But unfortunately many of the pro choice people are also pro gay people. They support homosexual rights, homosexual marriage, which The Kingdom Of God cannot abide. They cannot associate with these people. So there is a great dilemma.
Jesus has chosen to take an extreme risk. He has prepared a special video giving His power to the women of South Dakota that will accept it. But in that message He is warning them that this power can only be used to oppose those teaching the anti abortionists' blasphemy. It cannot be used to promote the homosexual agenda. If those receiving it attempt to use it in this manner it will destroy them. This is a very dangerous course to take, but The Lord Of Heaven has no choice. He must reach the pro choice forces! He must empower them. We cannot save mankind without them. But it is without doubt, that some of them will try to use the power that Jesus is giving them to support the homosexual agenda and that power will destroy them. This is a very terrible situation that The Lord Of Heaven does not want to be in, but that the sickness of man has forced Him into. He must give people power that he knows will misuse it, He must give people power that He knows will destroy them. But to save the rest of His children He must. It is not right that the ignorance of man forces The Lord Of Heaven to take such actions. It is not right that their folly puts Him in such a position. But this is what the sickness of man does. This is the situation that it creates. The power must be given, even though some will misuse it and it will destroy them. There is no other choice!
Jesus' message is long, a little over ten minutes, but it is filled with His power and His glory. He reaches out especially to Kate Looby, who is the leader of Planned Parenthood in South Dakota, and offers her His personal guidance and support in the struggle. These are dark hours, but anyone that has any sense will listen to Jesus' message, and will share it with the world if they want all they love to survive. Because if this message isn't gotten to the world, all they love won't survive. It's that simple.

March 10, 2,006
Strange Dream About Mrs. Harrison

Thank goodness we have a bit of "Here's Jesus!" ahead. Jesus has been unable to come through and work much, at all, the last few days because He has been putting His full effort into South Dakota. He really wants to make a fight here, to discourage other states from following South Dakota's lead and causing more trouble elsewhere. The ignorant are rallying their forces.
Have been trying to get our message on several forums in South Dakota. Managed to get on one getting the same usual stupid responses. But the struggle continues.
Linda's medical tests came back with good reports. No sign of any cancer. Her ultrasound is the 20th. Don't know how we're going to pay for it or the rest of the medical bills, but we keep trying.
Gerald had a very disturbing dream the night Christopher Reeve's wife died, that George Harrison's wife had gone over. That George had met her in The Afterlife and she had said "O.k., where is she?" and George had answered "Who?" "You know who," his wife said, "go get her!" "You know?" George asked. "Of course I know!" his wife answered. "You didn't exactly keep it a secret." George went and got Queenie and brought her back. His wife said "Oh my goodness! They don't leave much to the imagination over here, do they? You're going to be a lot to compete with, dear." Queenie answered, "There will be no competition, madame, if you desire it I will simply walk away." George's wife laughed and said "Now we know that isn't going to happen, don't we?" She told George "Get out of here! I understand you've got a show tonight. Come back for us just before it begins. We're going to have a girl talk." George left and came back later taking his wife to the concert. She watched him and Queenie perform and remarked "My goodness, they're hot! How strange things go! I thought I would be spending eternity in an East Indian pagoda. Instead I will be spending it in a medieval castle. Things never go the way you think they're going to!" Everyone around her laughed and that was the end of the dream. This is certainly a dream we do not want to come true right away! Very strange stuff! But George said he wanted it passed along, as it might have some significance. He says "Gerald doesn't dream unless there's a reason for it."
Well, that's it for today! Got to find more ways of reaching out to South Dakota. Some people are making some very good suggestions, and Jesus wants to get them working together. They have to if mankind's going to survive.

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