March 14, 2,006
Trouble With The Dawn

What a night last night! Everything was quiet and peaceful. Thought everything was going along fairly well and then a telepath contacted Gerald with some horrible news from Mellinian Empire who we call The Dawn. A terrible tragedy has befallen them, something of unspeakable evil has been done to them! The ship that brought the news barely made it to the vessels blockading Earth, and they think the ones that are responsible for it are on Earth. They have been monitoring their communications because one of their people gave them the cipher to the code they have been using. They know that these people monitor our transmissions, read the emails that we send out every day. So The Imperials wanted us to send out a message in the code they were using. The telepath that contacted Gerald tried to give him the message in the code, but he just wasn't skilled enough. The normal telepath assigned to the blockade ships was so upset about what was happening he couldn't work! So they gave Gerald the key to the cipher and Gerald worked up the code. He hopes he's got it right. It should be pretty close, at least close enough that those reading it will be able to figure out what it says, even if he's made a couple of mistakes.
If anybody in the military is reading this code and recognizes it, knows where the people that are using it are located, we give them a good piece of advice...blow them away! Destroy them! Use the hottest ordinance you have! Obliterate the area where they are. Don't try to take any prisoners, cook 'em! That's how dangerous what these people are doing is. The Imperials do not want us to give too much details about what has happened. Let us just say they have been devastated, a great deal of their population destroyed, almost the same amount left infirmed. It is a tragic situation. The Galactic Community is rushing to their aid, but the situation is horrible beyond understanding, how any people could do this to their own is beyond understanding. Our sincere hope is The Imperials get their hands on these people and dispense their kind of justice, which is rapid and permanent. Earth has enough troubles. We don't need nit wits like this causing us more! We were supposed to have some good news today, but this has taken any joy away from Everyone. Such madness, such insanity appalls Everyone!

March 15, 2,006
Fake John Lennon Seance On Pay Per View

Having had more time to talk to The Imperials about the tragedy that has happened to them, We have found out they believe that what occurred was the work of followers of Kael Maub who are called Maubians. Kael's philosophy was that the strong should get rid of the sickly and the feeble minded to make way for the strong, that invalids and the sickly and the old should be killed because they hinder the glory of the race. This cult caused many massacres in ancient times and was outlawed. But from what the individual that was captured alive said The Imperials believe he is a member of this cult. This cult also believes in killing off other races that may eventually be a threat to The Empire, destroying them while they are weak before they can become a threat. They believe that is why their operatives may be on Earth, that they fear that mankind will someday come into the stars and be a threat to The Empire.
It is hard to believe that an advanced society like The Imperials could still have individuals among it that believe in such insanity, that are so completely lost that they follow the teachings of what was obviously an ancient creature of Darkness. It is the tradition of this cult to boast of their achievements. Let us hope that its followers do. It will make them far easier to find!
The Holiest Of All is on Its way to Tepic, Mexico. It doesn't look like there's going to be any more time change. Maybe it will linger a while over this city. Every little bit of energy coming in right now is sorely needed! Got an email from a reporter at The Chicago Tribune telling about a Pay Per View event to debut April 24 "The Spirit Of John Lennon," so called psychics trying to contact him, by having a seance. John asks us to tell everyone that if these people claim to receive anything from him it will be a complete fraud. Except for a few friends that work with us closely, he contacts no other psychics. Whatever these people claim that happens it won't be him, that's positive and absolute! If people want any messages from him from The Afterlife they have to ask us. John says he works with us because we're servants of God, and not in it for the money. These so called psychics wouldn't know a real spirit if it came up and bit them on the butt! John's words, not ours! We don't think he's too happy about this whole thing. He's quite sure these people will put out absolute nonsense and not tell people the truth about what he has been doing. It's going to be fun seeing what they put out. We're sure it's going to be a good laugh!


We've been asked "Why isn't there more response from the Mexican people as The Holiest Of All is travelling through their country? You would think you would see a great deal of religious activity in the area as this was happening." Well we believe there is! Religious leaders in the area are definitely feeling the increase in power and speaking out. But Mexico has a lot of problems right now. American's think their politicians are corrupt, corruption in Mexico is expected. The people are having a hard time rising againast this. But the power is flowing! If we could get some spots on Mexican television letting the people know what is happening there would probably be a lot more activity!

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