March 17, 2,006
St. Patrick On The Go

Well, the celebrations for St. Paddy's Day are going according to plan. St. Patrick will leave his present operations in South Dakota long enough to go to Ireland for a few hours to take part in the usual festivities. The rest of The Spirit World will be joining in. It is so adorable that The Hindus have St. Patrick celebrations! They believe St. Patrick was the reincarnation of one of their gods, and honor him like everybody else, on St. Patrick's Day! Now, we bet the Christian Fundamentalists would love that one!
Gerald's leg is still bothering him. But it seems to finally be getting a little bit better. The black and blue seems to be disappearing, and he can now touch it without screaming. But there is still a very hard, uncomfortable area. One of our friends worries that it's a blood clot and wishes he would go to the hospital. But we owe them so much already Gerald doesn't want to add to it unless it's absolutely necessary.
We have heard that The Imperials are back on their feet enough that they are beginning operations in Iraq, that they are hunting for those trying to destroy so many of our people. This is a delicate process. One wrong move over there could make the situation incredibly worse. But there's no alternative. Gerald wishes so much he could personally get into the hunt but sometimes we can't have what we want. There has been no response to our message. Of course there was little hope there would be. When you're dealing with an insane cult like this there's very little chance of them being rational. The Imperials are estimating that if the virus is modified to attack humans it could destroy two thirds of the Earth's population, and leave many of the survivors feeble minded. We don't have the medical facilities to cope with it. We don't have the medical facilities to cope with anything in most of the world.
Jesus put His comments on the upcoming seance for John Lennon in yesterday's "Here's Jesus!" and says that He, Himself is going to take part in reaching out to these so called psychics. This is going to be a no holds barred effort. On another note, Jesus is looking for a gentleman in South Dakota whose daughter died because of an illegal abortion before Roe vs Wade was successful. He asks him to come to us and lend us his support. He says "Don't worry about your age. You've still got a lot of fight in you!" If anybody hears of someone like this speaking out, tell them you've got a message for him from Jesus. It would be appreciated.
That seems to be about it for this week! Oh, there's one other thing. Muhammed is very upset that Hussein's trial is taking too long. He says this thing should have lasted nine days at a maximum. Why is it taking so long to dispense justice to this man? Why are you letting him insight his followers and create more havoc? Get the job done and have the servant of God come and destroy him forever. You have no hope until it is done."

March 20, 2,006
30 Second Ad

Had a nice interview with WOCL, Orlando, Thursday. They asked how The Afterlife was responding to them. Very well, as any show we're on they're picking up popularity, but not quite as fast as others have done. However, we are beginning to get a good energy response from Orlando every time we're on! We're sure in time, their popularity will rapidly increase.
The celebrations for St. Patrick's Day in The Afterlife went very well. Beatles & Friends did six separate concerts in twenty four hours. At every one of them they were asked repeatedly to sing the theme song of The Irish Free Forces in The Afterlife, "We Shall Come A-Callin'"
Of course they also sang "Give Ireland Back To The Irish" untold times, and several other Irish favorites. Queenie will break your heart when she sings "Danny Boy." It is so weird..two English rock stars, two members of English Royalty, two famous American musicians, and two Spanish convent girls singing Irish ballads! Now is that weird, or is that weird?
Had to stop posting in the South Dakota forums. Was pretty good for a couple of days and then the lunatics showed up. One of them was so enraged because we said we wouldn't have any homosexuals in our house, that he'd never be able to come here, that he said he was going to come and rape Linda because she needed a real man that could deal with his sexuality. That was too much! We took down all our posts, put up 'good bye', and took the link to the forum out of our favorites. Decent people cannot post on these forums. The lunatics just come into the conversations and fill them with obscenity and hate. We're either crazy, or we're drug addicts, or we're religious fanatics because we say what they're doing is wrong. What a sick, sick world!
Jesus had us prepare a 30 second ad that He would like to have placed on South Dakota television.
We sent an email to six stations in South Dakota asking if they would accept such an ad and how much it would cost, and also telling them we were seeking sponsors. We also mailed to 38 stations in surrounding states seeking similar information. If any station anywhere would like to play this ad as a public service they are welcome to do so, as Jesus would like to rally the entire country to stop the anti abortion bill in South Dakota. If anybody wants the ad email us.

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