March 22, 2,006
Won't Sing It!

Well, we're back from our trip to the hospital! Linda got her ultrasound and Gerald ended up getting one too. The doctor was afraid he might have blood clots but the tests showed good circulation. So they think the problem is being caused by muscle spasms due to his mild diabetes. Boy! If this is mild Gerald can't imagine what full fledged is like! They also took blood tests to make sure the Lipitor Gerald is taking is not causing muscle damage. That is the thing with these medications, you don't know if they're curing you or killing you! The doctor also told Gerald to stop taking ibuprophen because in combination with the Lipitor it can destroy your liver and your kidneys. So he went and got Tylenol instead, or the generic equivalent. This is interesting because another doctor was telling him to take massive doses of Ibuprophen, and he was also aware Gerald was taking Lipitor. Sometimes you scratch your head. We won't know the results of Linda's ultrasound for a few days. But it is simply amazing what they can see with these things! It's much better than that old system they had where they injected dye into you and took x rays, much better!
Now the only thing is how are we going to pay for it? Gerald is getting barely enough hours to meet the bills. As soon as the cell phone contract expires we'll be dropping that and have just the good old ground line. It looks like we're not going to be traveling much so we don't need the cell phone for when we're on the road anyway. Maybe in a couple of years or so. Now, you watch, we'll get rid of the cell phone and all of a sudden we'll be traveling all over. Murphy's Law!
KLKN NBC, Lincoln, Nebraska, said our commercial is too controversial and they wouldn't show it. So everyone connected with the station has been removed from The Book Of Life. We wish we could find some influential people in Nebraska to get them to change their minds. We really don't like this part of our work, as we have said. However, KDLT, NBC, in South Dakota said they would play the ad and sent their rate information. However, we would have to send the commercial to them on a DVC pro or Beta format. We don't have the slightest idea what that means! So we would definitely need some assistance to get the ad to them. We had to laugh when we found that it would be $100 to put the ad on "The Simpsons" Sunday night. As much as "The Simpsons" disgust us, this would probably be a good time slot. There are so many people out there that really want to stop this thing. If we could only get them working together!
On another note, our extra terrestrial friends picked up transmissions from a hyperwave transmitter in Baghdad. They managed to reach the building where the transmitter was, capture and remove it. Unfortunately, except for the transmitter and some used rations the building was empty! But somebody had to have been there to use the transmitter. They're probably going to be very unhappy when they come back and find it gone. They also checked the direction in which the transmissions were being sent and found a ship! However, it didn't want to hang around and converse with anybody. As soon as it detected The Galactic Forces approaching it sped away. The message was not in the same cipher the Imperial renegades have been using so they have been unable to decode it. It is doubtful the renegades have another long range transmitter. The only way they could contact anyone now is by activating one of their transponders and waiting for somebody to pick them up.
Linda has done a recording of the Kurt Cobain song so people can hear how it's supposed to sound. We will not however, put it online. If someone would like it we'll email it to them. But we would much prefer having somebody else sing it.
Judy Garland has announced that she's going to take part in the effort to get a message through at John's upcoming seance. Didn't know Judy knew John. But she says she definitely wants to let the world know what John has been doing. The heavy hitters are coming out! Everybody that was anybody in Hollywood wants to help! We have made a animation tribute to Anna Nicole Smith who has recently gone to The Supreme Court to get half of her late husband's estate. This features a new song from The Afterlife in support of these efforts.


Broadcast Companies On The Old Worlds

There is a big controversy in The United States about major companies owning all the radio and t.v. stations in a single city, thereby allowing no competition or free speech. Would this have been allowed on The Old Worlds?
Well, every Haven city had only three radio stations and three t.v. stations, and they were all controlled by the was local, one was national, and one was world. We have to admit, the music and entertainment was usually quite good. Though everything was based on actual events, the acting was superb and people enjoyed series on Haven t.v. just as much as people on Earth enjoy their fictional productions. The news however, was very biased, very controlled, and very often far from the truth.
The Hashons had free broadcasting systems but the idea of one company owning all the stations in one community was completely unacceptable to Them. The law there was very strict. A company could own no more than one broadcasting facility in a broadcasting area. They had excellent fictional entertainments and Their news broadcasts were completely truthful, a vast difference from their conquerers.
The Peepians were almost identical to The Hashons except they had a considerable bit more censorship. The news got out, but people weren't very critical of the government.

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