March 29, 2,006
Terri Shiavo To Michael c/o Larry King

One of our associates sent us some material on David Icke and asked us if we also thought he was a fraud, and dangerous, as they did. Should they have anything to do with him? Just looking through a little of his stuff we would say absolutely not! The man has no idea what he's talking about. He's just hocking fear on any subject and making money on it. Our associate said he was saying that there's a reptilian race that's trying to take over the Earth. This is complete poppycock! All the reptilian alien races we know of are friendly and helpful to mankind. Not one of them has any intentions of taking over the Earth! Some really old ones that have been on Earth for a long time intend to gather up their children and leave Earth, but they have no intention of taking it over. There was also some foolishness about President Bush being involved with human sacrifice. This person is also anti semitic. Anybody that believes this person is in serious, serious trouble and really should seek help! Everything we found was just so laughable that it almost brings you to tears that people are buying this stuff and pushing it. We wouldn't let this person in our home. He's obviously a creature of Darkness!
Last night we were watching "Larry King Live", and he had Michael Schiavo on talking about his upcoming book. At the same time his wife Terri asked for an audience with Jesus which Jesus graciously granted and asked her what He could do for her. She answered "Lord Of Heaven, could you get a message to my husband for me?" Jesus answered that He most certainly would. What would she like to say?
"Michael," Terri began, "you were my angel. The life I had with you was the only true life I ever enjoyed. Your love was the greatest gift given to me in that time, and I cannot tell you in words what it meant to me! You are in no way to blame for anything that happened to me. I strongly rebuke any that speak against you, and I ask The Lord Of Heaven to rebuke them. All that happened to me was my own fault because I could not control my own desires, and was too concerned with the opinions of others that did not matter. Your love was the greatest of all, for it was love without lust or greed. It was love that could let go and free me so I could move on. And for that I will adore you forever.
I often touch the one that is dear to you now and convey to her how much I adore her. Let no one ever think I am bitter against her in any way! My love for her is like that for a dear sister. Those touches will soon stop and let her not be concerned what they do. Because you have freed me I can now journey on. When you come here I will not be here, but it is not because I did not desire to wait. It is because I have to journey on again, and finish those things I did not get to finish last time. I can only do this because you loved me enough to let me go.
Some day you may be in a store and a little tan skinned girl with big brown eyes may come up to you and say "You know sir, God loves you." Tell her "Yes indeed, dear one, I know that. And He loves you too." tell her mother she has an adorable daughter, and let her go her way as you have let her go her way before. God bless you and keep you. Some day we will walk together again, in another place, in another time. I know that God would permit nothing else. And I will always be a little lonely until that time comes. Lord Of Heaven, will you send that message to my husband?"
"Daughter," Jesus answered, "it is sent! God be with you, always!"

March 30, 2006
Surprise In Israel

Kingdom Of God overjoyed with Its efforts against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's Kadima Party. They were expecting a horrendous defeat, that Ehud Olmert would sweep into power, that he would have the majority in The Knesset. At the last moment Israeli voters began to listen to the Angels speaking to them and change their votes, some, at the very moment they voted! Now, The Kingdom Of God will do all in Its power to keep Ehud Olmert from forming a coalition government. Perhaps They are not defeated in Israel yet, after all. This is a surprising turn of events. Usually The Kingdom Of God predicts these things very closely. But a sudden insurge of power enabled the Angels to reach the Israeli people. Let's hope Their efforts will continue to be successful.
We have been unable to get Terri Schiavo's message to Larry King. Every time we try to send anything to CNN a message comes up saying we are forbidden from the site. We hope this is just trouble with their site and we have not been blocked out of their service. If others could relay the message to them to make sure it gets through, we would appreciate it.
Holiest Of All continues Its march through Mexico. It has not stopped any extra time since the last incident. We were hoping this would continue. Every bit of power is precious right now. But it is maintaining Its schedule and going to the most spiritually strong place in each city.
Kingdom Of God amused with the change of leadership in The White House. Sometimes They feel it would be better for President Bush to do nothing, and he definitely is on the wrong track with immigration. Somebody needs to make him understand that you do not reward evil, that criminal acts are punished, not encouraged. Kingdom Of God still reaching out to The First Lady. She is about the only hope of accomplishing anything significant with this administration. The men in it have simply given up, and they're trying to maintain the status quo. That seems to be everything this morning.

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