March 31, 2,006
Jesus Proposals On Immigration Amnesty

In a surprising move that has shocked Everyone in The Afterlife, The Lord Of Heaven, after receiving an impassioned plea from the people of Mexico, has said that He will agree with President Bush's immigration proposal if certain conditions are met, and only if these conditions are met.

1. Those in The United States illegally must surrender to the authorities. They must give a complete account of how they got into The United States, giving the names and locations of all individuals that assisted them in entering The United States illegally. If they will not cooperate in this way, they are to be removed from The United States. Only if they help the American government stop further illegal immigration can they be granted amnesty.

2. All illegal aliens must agree to pay a $2,000 fine for each year that they have been in The United States illegally. This fine can be paid in installments over a period of years without interest, as long as it is recognized the individual is making a valid attempt to pay on the principle. If anyone tries to avoid paying the fines they are to be removed from The United States.

3. All persons illegally employing illegal aliens and who have been giving them sub standard wages must reimburse them for any wages that they are due. Crimes committed against the illegal aliens must be rectified. Half of these reimbursements should go to paying the illegal aliens' fines, and the other half should go to the aliens.

4. All persons who have been knowingly employing illegal aliens must pay $1,000 fine a year for each year that illegal alien has been working for them. That means if a company has had an illegal alien working for them for three years, they must pay a $3,000 fine. These fines can be paid in installments without interest as long as a legitimate attempt is made by the company to make payments on the principle. If a company has had an illegal alien working for them for half a year the fine should be $500. If they have had an illegal alien working for them for three months it should be $250.

5. The owners of companies and/or managers who knowingly hired illegal aliens must resign. If they agree to house arrest in their own communities, and do not leave those communities for the rest of their lives, imprisonment can be sat aside. But if they try to influence the running of their company in any way, or make a political attempt to have their punishment set aside, they are to be arrested and imprisoned for a period of not less than ten years. This means no public speaking against the immigration reforms.

6. Foreign countries involved in illegal alien traffic must make a concerted effort to stop that traffic, to arrest and imprison those importing illegal aliens, including public officials that encourage the traffic for the financial gain of their countries. All efforts should be made to make legal immigration easier, but illegal immigration must be stopped.

7. The United States should establish a prison colony somewhere within its territories where future illegal aliens entering The United States should be sent. Some work programs should be provided for them so that they could make a small income. But they should not be allowed to go into the American work force for a period of at least five years. And then only after they have returned to their own country, and immigrated legally.

If these conditions are met The Lord Of Heaven would put His full power and the full power of The Kingdom Of God behind President Bush's efforts. Some additions to this proposal might be accepted, but the removal of none of these proposals will be. The Lord Of Heaven is reaching out to the people of Mexico and Latin America, saying "I will help, but you must agree to legality. There can be no more criminal activity, and entering The United States illegally is criminal activity."


Mexican President A Criminal

It is sad to say that The Kingdom Of God considers President Fox of Mexico a criminal. He will not make any effort to stop illegal immigrants at the U.S. border. An exclusion zone needs to be created 20 miles wide on the Mexican side of the border where no persons may enter unless they live in the area. President Fox's refusal to block immigrants from coming into communities next to the border shows that he has no intentions whatsoever, of stopping the flow of illegals coming into The United States. He is profiting from it and his country is profiting from it. So he does not care if it is illegal or not. All he cares about is profit. In The Kingdom Of God's eyes this makes him a criminal who should be prosecuted for his crimes. Those who aid and abet criminal activity are as guilty of that criminal activity as those committing it. Jesus knows this is very unpopular among humans. They want to say "If you close your eyes, if you pretend you don't see something you're not responsible for it. Unfortunately when they get to The Gates Of Heaven they get a nasty surprise! They find they are responsible! The President Of Mexico is sending his own people to certain death to rape, robbery, and murder. He simply doesn't care, and he will pay the price for not caring. The Mexican government must stop illegal immigration or those who refuse to do so must be prosecuted. It's that simple!

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