April 28, 2,006
Jesus Creates House Tour

Every day you don't know what's going to be happening around here! Gerald was off yesterday afternoon doing some stuff elsewhere, and Jesus was here using his material form. When Gerald came back he found Jesus had put together a virtual tour of our home, narrating it! And from the narration you can tell that Jesus feels this is His home, too. Some people in The Kingdom Of God were upset because he spoke of our home altar as if He was a Spiritist. But this is a minor thing we're sure everybody will get over. Gerald was wondering if this project was a good idea because of security reasons, but Jesus said "No, you never hide your address, everybody knows where you are, it does no harm to show the place of God's glory on Earth!" So just as soon as we can we'll have it up and running. Sometimes the things The Lord Of Heaven does are simply precious! There's no other word for them, except maybe delightful!


Got yet another song from Kurt Cobain. He definitely doesn't like the president of Iran. He seems to make his songs deliberately worse and worse. We now have eight songs, and we shake our heads wondering what he's going to come up with next. Kurt is going to be so disappointed. This isn't going to work. But The Kingdom Of God says give his lyrics and we'll do it. That's our job. Some people are complaining that Gerald is controlling Linda because he won't let her sing these songs. In this particular situation, absolutely right! We have dignity limits. There are certain things our philosophy will not let us do. And singing songs like these in public is one of them. Anyway, we can't get anywhere near Kurt's music style! These songs are sung with much more bravado than we would do it. We wouldn't do them justice.
Speaking of good old Kurt, we've got yet another new ditty from him. This one's called "Iranian Insurgents". It's about Iran's activities in Iraq. Remember, we're not going to be putting these lyrics up anywhere. You have to request to have them sent to you.
Here's a laughable thing. Poor Kurt is so confident! He had us contact one of our associates who was trying to get out some of John Lennon's music with this offer. "If you sell my music and raise The Polleys a million dollars a year, we'll give you 25% of anything up to a million dollars. Anything over a million dollars will give you 50%, that's after taxes. Once the taxes are paid whoever is producing the music can take out your share and send it to you." These people in The Afterlife simply have forgotten how things work in the material world. Everybody's getting a laugh out of this music, but nobody's going to sing it, nobody's going to buy it. But poor Kurt believes so much. However, as somebody said in a recent interview, at least we don't have Yoko interfering with this!

Our Computer From Jesus' House Tour

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