By Gerald A. Polley

The Ancient One was not having a good time. The hunting was bad. His prey continually eluded him. The Lord Of Heaven had been having more success than him, which was an odd occurance! The Ancient One returned from a night's hunting and went to his material job. He had been there for some time when an Angelic Messenger arrived. "Advocate Of The Republic," It announced, "you are wanted in The Hall Of Judgment. One of those bearing your mark has arrived and stands in judgment. You are summoned to present your grievances."
The Ancient One sighed, split half of himself off, and sent it into The Afterlife. When he arrived at The Hall Of Judgment a woman was speaking. "Lord Peter! We do not understand. Our father served God for 76 years. Now that he has died we are told he has offended a Lord Of Light and cannot enter into The Kingdom Of God. And why is he so suffering? What is the agony that he is bearing?"
"I see Demetrius has arrived," Lord Peter answered. "It is his mark that is on this one. Let him explain why this man is condemned."
The woman turned angrily, looking at The Ancient One. "Lord Peter," The Ancient One began, "I did not put my mark on this one, an Angelic Messenger did. Four years ago we sent out emails, messages from The Lord Of Heaven, to churches around the country. Most did not even bother to respond, but this man responded with hate and venom, calling us servants of the Devil, and blasphemers because we opposed the sodomizing of God's children. He said that God forgave man's mistakes, and would forgive the homosexuals, that our teachings were not Biblical, that we were not of God. That is why this one bears my mark. Because he rejected God's messages and clung to the falsity of man."
"I see!" Lord Peter answered. "Thank you, Demetrius! Then there is no judgment I can give besides this one is banished from The Kingdom Of God."
"What?" the woman cried. "Why?"
"He rejected God's teachers," Lord Peter answered, "even though an Angelic Messenger bore witness to them. He preferred the blasphemy of man. He would not support the truth. God's commands are quite clear. Any that reject God's Messengers lose their place in Heaven."
"No!" the woman cried, "No! It isn't fair! This is unjust! He didn't know! You were asking him to forsake everything he'd ever been taught. This is unfair!"
Lord Peter raised his hand. "Enough!" he cried, "You do not call The Judgment Of Heaven unfair! This one was given every opportunity. God's Messengers were sent. The Angelic Messengers touched him, beared witnesses to the messages. He chose to reject God. He now suffers the pain and anguish that all of those he betrayed have suffered, because he sent them to eternal death. Question The Judgment Of Heaven one more time, and you, too, will be cast out! Remain silent and depart. My judgment is made. This one is to be taken to The Gates and cast out. He has had his reward among mankind, he has had his praise. He has had his glory. He rejected what God offered."
The woman turned angrily to The Ancient One. "The law says if the one who is offended gives pardon," she begged, "the condemned may be given a second chance to repent."
"But the one who has been offended," The Ancient One answered, "will not give pardon. Because of his rejection we have lost many of our children. He sent them to eternal death. Now that is his fate! It is well known that I am without pity or compassion. Destroy my own, and you will be destroyed!"
The woman clenched her fists. It was obvious she wished to say more but she angrily turned and stormed from The Hall Of Judgment. The Angelic Guards took her weeping father and led him away.
"If I may be excused," The Ancient One remarked, "things are not well at home."
"Go!" Lord Peter answered, "With Our blessings!"
The Ancient One followed The Angelic Guards. They took the man outside of Heaven's Gate. He stood there weeping for a few more moments, then fled into the Darkness. His daughter came up to The Ancient One. "Are you pleased?" she snapped. "He tried to do good, he tried to help people. He made some concessions so people wouldn't leave his church. Was that so wrong?"
The Ancient One saw a flash of light in the distance. "Apparently," he remarked. "Apparently it was enough to destroy his soul forever. There is no middle ground with evil. If you accept it it destroys you."
The Ancient One returned to his body. Sometimes even when you win there is no pleasure in it. Sometimes even when you're vindicated it brings no joy.


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