May 18, 2,006
New England Floods Gods Wrath Davinci Code Real

Jesus came through this morning and did two important videos that we have put up at You Tube. Here is the address for the first one, which talks about the rains in New England which Jesus says is the wrath of God. You may recall that during hurricane season Jesus kept saying He wanted to make a hurricane go far to the north and go into Massachusetts. Looks like He has accomplished this task.

(As Of October 10, 2,006 This Video Is Only On Our Web Site! Click On The Link Below To View It!)

In the second one Jesus says The Davinci Code is true, that we are His descendants, and so is the current Pope, and, the previous one. He asks The Pope to make the truth known, that Mary Magdalene was His wife, and they did have a son together. It is little wonder that Jesus is taking so long to get back to us with this effort in New England!

***This message is now availabe on our web site in audio format from the link below***

We have also put up a series of videos that Jesus produced earlier giving His suggestions on how to help The American Military with it's current personnel problems. Here is the link to those videos.

Linda still struggling. Was throwing up this morning. Hopefully it's just a temporary thing. But her incision looks good and seems to be healing well. With all the power that is around her, it should be!
They're re-releasing the original "The Omen" on DVD 6/6/06. Our good friend in The Afterlife, Patrick Troughton, who also played "Doctor Who," one of our favorite characters, played the priest that is killed in the movie. He says he is delighted that people are still interested in it. There's nothing that pleases an actor more than having people watching his performances!

May 19, 06
Linda McCarney Engraged

So much going on! The creatures of Darkness are stirring up as much as they can, trying to keep us occupied so we can't work on The Davinci Code which they do not want us supporting. But Linda McCartney came to Jesus and asked Him to speak out about what the press was saying of Heather Mills. She was extremely angry! So Jesus made a video and we have put it up at You Tube, expressing Linda's complaints. Let's just say she doesn't care much for the British media. When you have an opportunity, check it out.

(As Of October 10, 2,006 This Video Is Only On Our Web Site! Click On The Link Below To View It!)

Jesus also working on His efforts against illegal immigration. He still wants what He calls His Buy Out, Memorial Day. If we could get 50% of the people in The United States to stay home and not spend anything, it would send an important message to The President, and, Congress. If McDonald's, Burger King, And Colonel Sanders were screaming because their stores were empty Memorial Day and they lost money, The Senate would be taking action. If Wal Mart was screaming because it was being boycotted the senators would listen. If the American people flex their muscles and say "We want our jobs!" this situation can be reversed. The illegal aliens can be rounded up and sent home, and those illegally employing them can be punished. But the American people have to decide to act. That's it for today!

May 22, 06
Linda Surprises

Speaker Linda Polley here, typing on the free laptopcomputer the hospital is loaning us until I go home! I don't think it's any coincidence they have this justnow, either. It is operating on satellite internet. Hopefully some day we will own one of these.
Anyway, I had to go back to the hospital Thursday night because I couldn't keep anything down. As Gerald probably has said via Elgard, I had to have mystomach pumped. I had partial blockage somewhere. Mytube was supposed to be removed tomorrow, but ithappened to fall out during my walk around the hospital after Gerald and Elgard's great visit. I guess it's because I sneezed after someone used the air freshener in my room.
Now the biggest hurdle is eating and keeping it down. If I can do this tomorrow I go home Monday. This passed week has been some experience I don't want to ever repeat if at all possible. But the people here at the hospital are wonderful just as they were when Gerald had his triple bypass. I firmly believe this is the best hospital in The United States, if not the world.
We've gained a small band of fans here on the fifth floor, and handed out lyrics to John Lennon's song about the hospital I channeled last year. The nurses LOVED our animations and had me give them the site URL, I even have the doctor interested in our site! Everyone was fascinated with our visits to "Jimmy Kimmel, Live!" and just wanted to know more and more about those and, what we do.
I will miss the people here but will be glad to get back home and our Work. Perhaps we can visit them once and a while. Thanks to Jesus and Mary Magdalene for all their hard work staying with me and making me well.
Hopefully the next email you will receive from us will be from me typing on our old computer at home. If not I'll certainly keep in touch from here. Love And Light to all, and thank you for all your prayers!

PS While I was resting in hospital I had the good fotune to see the new "Doctor Who" series on May 19th featured on The Sci Fi channel. It was excellent and highly recommended! The dvd of seasons 1 and 2 comes out very soon!

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